Chapter 64

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It was always amazing when you woke up in his arms. It might have been your favorite feeling. As you slowly opened your eyes, his warm hold on you secure and comfortable, you took in his calming scent.

Looking up at his face, you realized he was still asleep, and his relaxed features looked so beautiful in the morning sun. The bright light reflected off his smooth skin. His mouth hung slightly open. A few pieces of his soft, black hair rested on his forehead. You couldn't help but stare at this masterpiece.

Once we go back to Japan... will I see this every morning? You wondered, a smile making its way to your face at the thought. I can't wait.

Looking at his soft lips that had connected with yours many times before, you slowly leaned toward them. Jotaro told you to do these things when he was awake, but you couldn't help wanting to touch him while he was like this.

Softly, your lips touched his. They only stayed there for a few seconds before separating slowly, your eyes still fixed on the pinkish color.

This time, his arms didn't move, and he stayed perfectly still as though you hadn't done anything. This time, he was still asleep.

Looking behind you at the clock, you saw the time, causing a pout to form on your face. It was morning, and it was time to get up for another exhausting day.

"Jotaro," You quietly whispered, needing to, but not wanting to wake him. He didn't even stir at the sound of his name, so you wiggled higher on the bed until your face was aligned with his. "Jotaro, wake up."

As his eyes opened slowly, he was meant by your face in front of his. His mouth closed and a small smile appeared. "Good morning," He said, his voice husky, sending shivers down your spine at the sound.

Jotaro's morning voice... You nearly screamed out of excitement in your head. Of course, the spike of pheromones hit Jotaro immediately, causing him to squeeze you to him tightly.

"Your cheeks are red," He pointed out bluntly. Your hands, which were trapped between the two of you, struggled to move and cover your face. His eyes squinted with a larger smile. "Let's get up."

His arms loosened, and he slowly sat up, stretching his arms as he did so. You watched in awe as his robe slowly slid off his shoulders, showing his beautiful back as he stood up. Looking down at you, he could see your strawberry-colored face as you gazed at his figure.

"Are you going to get up?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

You sat up, nodding your head without a single word. You really couldn't wait until you got back to Japan. To be able to see such a beautiful thing every morning...!

Suddenly, a warm finger ran down your cold neck, stopping at the bottom of your mark. You turned your head quickly to see Jotaro looking at it closely. "Does it ever wear off?" He asked like you'd know the answer.

"U-um... probably not," You stuttered, your lips pressed together as the rest of his hand gently covered your neck. His touch was so gentle and warm. You loved it.

"You should've brought something to sleep in," He sighed. "The robes the hotel provides don't cover anything."

His hand slowly trailed down your back, causing you to realize how far down the cloth had traveled. He stopped more than halfway down your back before traveling around to your stomach, which was also practically bare.

"We need to get up now," You blurted out in an attempt to stop him from continuing his arousing touch. His hand stopped moving over your belly button as you continued. "If you keep going, I'll feel too good."

He was silent for a few seconds before sighing. He gently kissed the mark on your neck before taking his hand away from your skin. "Let's get dressed."

"Jotaro? Y/n-Chan? Are you two awake yet?" Mr. Joestar called out while knocking on the door to your room. You both turned in the direction of the noise, startled by his abruptness.

"Were awake," Jotaro answered before standing up and walking over to the chair where his clothes were stacked neatly next to yours. "We'll be out in a few minutes."

Once you both heard him walk away, he picked up your pile. "Come here," He demanded, looking at you blankly. After coming closer and reaching for your pile, he held them away from you. "I'll dress you."

"Wha-! N-no! No, I'll dress myself!" You declined, grabbing your clothes from his hands and rushing to the bathroom before he could say anything else.

-1:00 pm that day-

After searching for over an hour, the beggar was still nowhere to be found. Iggy was still somewhere in Cairo, alone and possibly in danger, and you couldn't stop worrying as you walked along the streets.

"Iggy?!" Avdol suddenly yelled out in shock. Your head shot toward him, and you saw the tiny dog limping toward you.

Without hesitation, you all ran toward him, calling out his name. His front leg was missing, a bandage wrapped around it, and his body was injured from head to toe.

"Iggy, what happened?" You nearly cried as you picked him up, examining him quickly before gently holding him in your arms.

"You were attacked, weren't you, Iggy?" Mr. Joestar asked. Iggy's eyes were barely staying open as he shook in your arms.

"Iggy encountered an enemy," A familiar voice suddenly said. "We saw a boy carrying him in his arms, half dead. The doctors from the Speedwagon Foundation tended to his wounds."

You all turned your head in shock at the man standing in front of you. "Y-you're!" Polnareff yelled, all of your eyes growing wide as he took off his black glasses, a wide smile on his face.


(998 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! ヽ(°〇°)ノ

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