Chapter 67

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     Trembling. Not out of fear. Not out of nervousness. Because of him. The man who had placed this mark on your body. Your quaking was because of him, for he was not there.

     It was the curse that came with a mate. Perhaps it was a blessing. A blessing to help you leave this dangerous situation... Or a curse to create one much more threatening. Mates were inseparable, and the omega would die without their partner.

     Now, sitting in front of your enemy, you felt your body tremble. You felt your heart pound. It wasn't a heat. No, it was your omega calling out. Calling out for him. For your mate. For Jotaro.

     You stood quickly, frightened by the sensation, but you quickly regretted doing so. You nearly collapsed at the sudden pressure in your chest. It was an unbearable pain, and you knew exactly what it was the moment you felt it. Jotaro had been too far for too long.

     Your bonding was still incomplete, for he had yet to mate with you. Thus, your omega needed him with you at all times... or she would shrivel and die, bringing you with her.

     You fought to keep your composure, but it was no use. D'arby watched as you subj to your knees, clutching your shirt as your heart pounded. Gritting your teeth, you glared at the floor, unable to face the cocky enemy watching you.

     "It truly is unfair," D'arby sighed, kneeling down to look at your pathetic expression. "Omegas have it much worse than I thought. It seems Jotaro is taking far too long to reach us. You'll die before we play a single game..."

     He thought for a moment, his hand to his chin. Then, he stood, silent as he walked away from your quivering figure.

     Damn it, You thought, unable to do anything but curse at yourself as you took deep breaths. However, the pain wasn't subsiding, and you didn't know how long your body would last without Jotaro near you.

     "Should I take your soul?" He thought aloud. "If I do that, I can keep it safe and sound while your body shrivels away..."

     Your eyes widened at his words. He'd already had your soul in his hands, and right now, you were defenseless against him.

     Have I already lost?

     "It's a shame, really. You were so confident in your victory, but here you are, nothing but flesh and bones," He sighed again, walking back and forth whilst pondering on what he should do.

     "At least," You gasped, taking a deep breath before continuing, "my flesh isn't rotten."

     He chuckled quietly. "That's true. However, rotten flesh or not, your body will soon die, and your soul will become mine immediately," He returned to where you knelt and stood above you. "I'm surprised you haven't admitted defeat yet considering your position, but I doubt someone as arrogant as you could give in so easily."

     You were losing strength in your arms, and your legs were feeling numb from kneeling for so long. In defeat, you collapsed to the ground. Your face hit the surface on its side, and you let it rest there, your eyes just barely open.

     Maybe... It is my loss. Damn... I guess so.

     That's what you thought just a second before your nose picked up a very faint sniff of a familiar scent. You didn't have the strength to rejoice, but a small smile found its way onto your pale face.


     You could have cried as his scent only became stronger. Finally... He'd finally come.

     "It looks like your friends have arrived," D'arby said, stationed directly beside your head. "Should I let them in? It would be nice to have some more company, but I'm afraid I'll be beaten up right away once Jotaro sees you... It would be his loss if he did so."

     Then, you heard multiple thumps and groans from your right. Your eyes widened as your nose once again picked up the relieving scent. It was Jotaro.

     "Y/n?" He called out, unsure of exactly where you were. You whined, unable to say anything in return, and soon enough, D'arby left your side in his direction.

     There were others with him- Scents you could easily recognize. Mr. Joestar and Kakyoin.

     However, you could only focus on your mate, for you needed him more than anything at that moment. You needed his touch, his scent surrounding you, his blue eyes giving strength to yours- You needed him.

     Finally, his scent came closer. His voice- You heard it calling for you over and over, but you couldn't respond. Once he'd reached your motionless body, his warm hands touched your soft, cold skin, and you felt heat slowly come back to you.

     He slowly lifted you from the ground, your body meeting his in a comfortable, familiar hug. You were surrounded by his large arms, and you couldn't help but whimper, for you'd missed him so much.

     "Jotaro..." You quietly called as you nuzzled your face into his scent. His heart was beating just as fast as yours, and your heavy breaths were slowly calming down.

     Everything was fine now that he was here. Everything would be fine. Now that he was with you.

(874 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! (∩ᄑ_ᄑ)

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