Chapter 34 *A little spice in case you don't read smut*

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"It seems the omega's been affected, hasn't she, my friends?" A voice whispered behind you. You didn't have the energy to look in the direction of the sound, but you didn't need to.

A man walked in front of you. Jotaro turned his head to see him, guarding your body with his own.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked, his voice breathy from his lack of current strength.

"Me? I'm just a traveler who enjoys the suffering of spoiled brats like you," He answered, bringing his hand to cover his creepy smile. "I enjoy seeing misery, but this isn't very entertaining. Why are you both so calm, my friends?" He asked, bending his head down with a deep frown.

"I thought you would be all over her by now... you must have great self-control, my friend." He sighed, walking to your left side and squatting down. "It doesn't matter. There's only so much you can handle."

The man touched your arm that was wrapped around Jotaro's back. It only took a small touch for the heat from his finger to spread throughout your body like electricity.

You yelled out in agony as the heat that you'd been calming down became twice as worse. Jotaro squeezed you tighter, his nails digging into your jacket. His heart was beating just as fast as yours, and his restraint was running thin.

"I could make the poor alpha feel the same way. He's doing so well, but if he goes into rut, there's no stopping it, is there, my friends?" He said, his voice sounding concerned.

This bastard...

His hand reached out toward Jotaro's arm, touching it only for a moment. He groaned as a horrible heat entered his body. Something hard hit your thigh, pressing against it through his pants.

He stated put, but you could smell just how pained he was. He was hurting, but he stayed completely still with you in his arms as he glared at the man.

"No fun," The man said with a pout. He grabbed both of your chins, pulling your faces toward him. Both of your expressions were exhausted and pained. You both panted as you clutched each other as tightly as you could.

"You really are strong, my friend," He complimented right before another wave of heat hit the both of you.

You collapsed, clutching your stomach, your mouth drooling, your body aching for the alpha in front of you. Jotaro was barely holding his body up, his arms shaking as he growled at the man. The man was laughing as he watched your agony.

"I won't be gone for long, so deal with this, 'kay?" He giggled, skipping into the woods.

You and Jotaro were left alone, the deserted street silent as you looked at each other for a moment.

"What... d-do we do?" You asked, gasping for air, your head resting on the cool grass.

"I can't- You- go..." He mumbled, his mouth open as he tried to breathe. It was practically useless.

You tried to move your arms to move toward the woods, but it was so hard. It felt as though you weighed a thousand pounds. You dragged yourself across the grass, but suddenly your leg was grabbed.

You looked back at Jotaro, who was grasping your ankle. He came closer to you, his eyes locked with yours.

"I can't..." He repeated. "Y/n, I can't... fight it! Use your Stand! Make me stop!" He demanded, continuing to his way toward you.

You couldn't do as you were told. You couldn't lift your arm to use your power. You couldn't do anything but let him take you.

He pulled you to him tightly, your legs wrapping around him. The thing that had been pressed against your thigh was now grinding against your womanhood. You moaned in response to the magnificent pleasure you got from it.

Jotaro's face was buried in your chest where your pheromones were heaviest. You could feel his warm breath tickling your skin. His hands traveled under your shirt and up your back, feeling the smooth surface of your body.

"Jotaro," You whined, clutching his hair as his hat fell to the ground. His touch was pleasureful, but it was so frustrating. You wanted more. You wanted everything he could give you.

He lifted his head, his eyes showing how hungry he was for the same thing. The blush on his cheeks was dark and clear. The open mouth that showed the small fangs on either side told you just how much he desired you. The scent he gave was so seductive; you wouldn't resist no matter what he tried to do.

He pulled your head to him, connecting your mouths. He immediately entered his tongue, playing with yours like he couldn't get enough of it. You both let out verbal signs of pleasure, your bodies pressed together as close as they could be.

He pushed your womanhood harder against his crotch, the feeling filling you with complete ecstasy.

As your lips departed for only a second, he whispered your name. His hands wandered your body, exploring every inch as his tongue did the same. Your mind was going blank. His taste, his scent, his touch; it was far too much for you to handle.

(870 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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