Chapter 55

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     "Jotaro, Y/n-Chan, Polnareff! Where have you been?!" Mr. Joestar nagged the moment he came into sight. You sighed as your grip on Jotaro's jacket tightened.

     "What do you mean?! You were the ones who went missing!" Polnareff yelled back, pointing accusingly at the old man.

     Mr. Joestar turned to you. "Y/n-Chan, what happened? Why are you wearing Jotaro's jacket?" He questioned, coming closer to you quickly.

     Jotaro stepped beside you, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling the front of your body to him. "There was an incident," He said, glaring at the old man until he stopped walking.

     "Don't you know how hot it is? You'll overheat at this point," He worried, a frown on his wrinkly face. 

     You hesitated with your words, a bit embarrassed to explain the situation. It was confusing to you. You didn't feel safe right now. You felt exposed and bare. You felt as though the jacket could fall off at any moment. With your head down, a small blush on your cheeks, you stuttered as you spoke. "I don't have pants..."

     Each of them, except for Jotaro, seemed to be extremely alarmed by this fact. Mr. Joestar gasped. "We need to get you pants right away!" He panicked.

     Polnareff brought his hand to his mouth. "Jotaro, you took off her pants? She's even a claimed omega! You perverted-!"

     Jotaro glared at the French man. "Good grief! I claimed her, Polnareff! What the hell do you think of me?" He asked in annoyance. Polnareff's jaw dropped to the floor, his eyes wide as they stared straight at you. 

     "You claimed her?!" He yelled, pointing at him like he was crazy. "WHEN?! WHA-?!" His hands flew in the air. "When could you possibly have done that?!"

     You stood silently as Polnareff continued to freak out over this newly learned fact. Looking at Mr. Joestar out of the corner of your eye, you saw his flabbergasted expression. Avdol seemed to mind his own business farther away from the commotion you'd started, and Iggy... Well, he was somewhere.

     Suddenly, you remembered something odd that'd happened just earlier that morning. Turning to Polnareff quickly, you interrupted their back and forth argument. "Polnareff, didn't Jotaro already tell you?" You asked in confusion.

     He shook his head. "No, this is the first time I'm hearing this. Why wasn't I told soo-?"

     "Then, what did he tell you in the hotel room earlier this morning?"

     You looked at Jotaro, who was looking at Polnareff and waiting for the answer he would give. "W-well... He said there would be trouble if I ever mentioned such things again..." He explained.

     You raised an eyebrow, but Jotaro quickly butted in. "It was nothing. Polnareff won't bother you anymore, so you can forget about it," He said blankly. You nodded, feeling a bit too drained to dig any deeper into the subject. 

     Jotaro must have noticed this because he moved his arm over your shoulder, holding you to him so that some of your weight was lifted. You smiled subconsciously as you instinctively leaned on to him. Polnareff was already walking toward Mr. Joestar at this point, done arguing with what couldn't be changed. 

     You sighed, feeling a bit drowsy as you followed them sluggishly. Maybe some breakfast would do you all good.

(546 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! ('〜`*) 

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