Chapter 60

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The car crashed into you, your bodies flying yards away from where you last stood. You landed on rubble, your head smashing onto the ground painfully, blood now spilling from your body. Your breathing was heavy, and you didn't have any strength to open your eyes.

You heard groaning as you lay on the surface, unable to move. The scent of Jotaro's injured and panicked body filled your nose, and a whimper escaped your mouth from the pain you felt.

You felt his rough hand gently touch your cheek, telling you he was there, but he left quickly, knowing he needed to defeat the enemy before anything else. Regretfully, he moved away from your injured body, every step heavy from his physical pain and pain from leaving you alone in that state.

Losing too much blood, your consciousness began to fade, whimpers continuing to escape your helpless self.

When you opened your eyes once again, you were still on the rubble, but now you were able to see Jotaro's face. He was frowning as he carefully tried to lift the large debris from on top of you.

"You're so troublesome," He suddenly said, his stoic expression unchanging. "Stop passing out." Although his words were harsh, you could smell his relief easily, making you weakly smile at his useless lies.

"I'll make sure to dodge next time," You answered with an airy laugh, instantly regretting it as he sat you up slowly. "But, what exactly happened?"

Everyone else was bloodied, just like you, but they seemed completely fine with walking around. Alphas truly were something else...

As you stood, your head throttling with each small movement, you suddenly heard a horribly loud scream from a few yards away. Each of you shot your heads in its direction, but the person who'd made the noise was nowhere to be seen from where you stood.

"Hey..." Polnareff groaned. "Where the damn dog go?" Looking around, you just then realized that Iggy wasn't with you.

"I'm sure he's scrounging for food somewhere," Mr. Joestar answered, his scratched face showing annoyance at the useless creature.

"I told you he's a good-for-nothing," Avdol sighed, beginning to walk away from the destroyed vehicle. Everyone followed close behind.


Polnareff, getting himself into trouble once again, sat on a beggar's turf, complaining about the obnoxious heat. Avdol yelled at the French man, explaining that it wasn't good behavior.

You couldn't help but agree with him, though. The heat was unbearable, and you'd reluctantly taken off your uniform jacket. With your hair tied into a ponytail and the collar of your jacket gone, your neck could clearly be seen by anyone passing by. It was embarrassing... Especially when your allies, people you were with daily, could see it in the bright sunlight.

The beggar, who was still angrily glaring at Polnareff for his reckless actions, seemed to know Avdol, and Avdol seemed to know him.

He showed the tiny man the photograph, saying, "We need to find this building, and we're short on time."

The man looked at it closely for only a few seconds before pushing it away and ripping off his outer layer of clothes, revealing a clean, fitted suit. His hair was fixed and professional. Overall, he looked like a rich businessman, which completely conflicted with his appearance only two seconds prior.

Placing a grey fedora on his head, he said, "I'm done for the day. I'll find this building within three hours."

You couldn't smell whether he was lying or not, but his words sounded true enough to believe. You all nodded, still slightly confused by his sudden change.

As you all stood in silence, trying to fully process what exactly had happened, Polnareff, as he always did, questioned, "Does anyone know where Iggy went?"

(631 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! (・_・ヾ

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