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Taehyung: "Ohh Y/n you are here? I didn't expect you to come here again to meet me but Is there something you want?" He asked intentionally making you more angry as you said.

Y/n: "Taehyung don't pretend that you don't know anything, and just tell me why are you doing this and what you want by doing this??"

You were very angry buy still control yourself from shouting or raising your voice cause you don't want to disturbe anyone's sleep.

Taehyung: "What am i doing?? And What are you talking about?" He again said with smirk making you piss again.

Y/n: "Ohh really you don't know what I'm talking about?.......Taehyung stop pretending that you don't know what are going on??"

Y/n: "Because of you, your mom misunderstood me and started doubting, which can create problem to me and your family." You said while angrily glaring him making him confuse.

Taehyung: "What??" He asked with frown in confuaion, making you release a heavily sigh.

Y/n: "Taehyung, mom has seen us that day when we were talking here at night and also yesterday in kitchen she saw you that your were holding my wrist."

Y/n: "She didn't like it at all and get us wrong and even she told me to stay away from you."

Taehyung: "Sorry Y/n, if she said anything wrong to you but don't worry i will talk to mom that she is talking it in wrong way."

He told her as he was really sorry for it, but you nod your head and said.

Y/n: "Yeah talk to her and make her understand that the is nothing between like she is thinking!"

Y/n: "And it will be also better for us, if you stay away from me and not to talk to me!!" You said making him understand but he looks at you frown.

Taehyung: "Y/n I'm saying sorry on behalf of my mom and I'm really really sorry that because of me mom has said it you, but Y/n don't say not to talk with you!!"

Y/n: "Taehyung, i think she is right, you should stay away from me until everything get normal!"

Y/n: "And Taehyung i don't know why but you are behaving really odd now a days, is there something wrong with you??"

You asked to him but he didn't said anything just keep staring you like he wants to tell you.

Y/n: "Taehyung are you even listening me?? I'm asking you something? Is there something you want to tell or you having any problem with you?"

You asked again to him but then he gulped lump of his throat and decided to confess his feeling and apologized for what he had done in past.

He was about to say but you got starlted when you hear someone's caughing sound coming from your parents-in-law's bedroom.

Your heart started to beat fast as thought of again seen by you parents-in-law with Taehyung at this hour and get again wrong thought about you both.

Y/n: "Taehyung I don't know if you are doing it purposely or not but i hope that you aren't doing it on purpose!!"

Y/n: "And I hope you will not do anything for which will make you regret in future."

You said seriously and in your firm voice and left from there leaving him alone who was still smirking and looking at your walking figure.

Taehyung: "Well I'm still regreting to for letting you go that time but not this time!!"

Taehyung: "I will do everything to get you back cause i can't let you go like before."

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