M. Night Shaym-Aliens!

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"T-t-t-this is just sloppy craftsmanship." Rick said. "Hey, Rick. Boy, sure is really especially beautiful out there today, huh?" Morty asked. "Oh, yes, Morty. It's almost unbelievable, isn't it?" Rick asked. "Yeah, you know? There's something about the air. And just the way the sunshine is." You said. "Oh, sure, buddy. Yeah. Sure. B-brilliant. Very convincing." Rick said. "Wh... convincing?" Morty asked. "Oh! Responsive, too! In real time! I love it!" Rick said. "Uh... okay." You said awkwardly. "I'm going to work. Morty, good morning. Dad, good morning. I am going to work. Goodbye." Beth said in an robotic voice. Beth then drives away. "What's with Mom?" Morty asked. "Oh, what's with Mom? So, you're saying that she's acting weird? How soph—*burp*—isticated. Careful, guys. You're gonna burn out the CPU with this one." Rick said. You started getting fed up. "Okay, you know what, Rick? You're acting weird, too." You said. "Whatever, quote-unquote "(Y/n)." Rick said. "Alright, well we'll see you after school." Morty said. Morty bumps into the side of the garage. "Ow! Oof! Ugh! Damn it! I'm all right. I'm okay." Morty said.

Time skip

"Alright, who can tell me what 5 x 9 is?" Mr. Goldenfold asked. All of the students whispered. "Uh, me?" You asked. "What is 5 x 9?" He asked. "It's 45." You said. Everyone gasped. "(Y/n), that's exactly correct! 5 x 9 is 45! Come up here." Mr. Goldenfold said. Everyone cheered. "Whoo! Way to go, (Y/n)!" Jessica cheered. You smiled awkwardly at her, and saw Morty grumbling things with a small pout. You rolled your eyes, you knew he was jealous. "Everybody, this is the best student. I want you to be the teacher today." Mr. Goldenfold sat down at a desk. "Teach us, (Y/n)!" He said. "Uh... okay?" You said. Meanwhile Rick is spying from outside. "Interesting..." he said to himself. "W-w-w-what do you want me to teach you?" You asked. "Ooh, ooh! How do you make concentrated dark matter?" A student asked. "Oh, that's a good question." Mr. Goldenfold said. Morty was now confused as well as he looked at you with confusion. "Concentrated huh?" You asked. "Concentrated dark matter. The fuel for accelerated space travel. Now, do you know how to make it?" Mr. Goldenfold asked. "Uhhh." You said nervously. "Come on, (Y/n). Isn't your grandpa, like, a scientist?" Jessica asked.

"Well, yeah, but, you know, he told me that I shouldn't go around spouting off about, you know, his science and stuff." You pointed out. "I bet you've seen him make concentrated dark matter a lot. You know, if you tell us, I'll be your best friend." Jessica said. You saw Morty's face turn back to anger and jealousy as he looked away. "Oh. Um..." you tried to think of something to say. "Seems like a rare opportunity, (Y/n)." Mr. Goldenfold said. "Uh... um..." you didn't know what to do in this situation. One, you had no idea what dark matter even was, two, you could see how angry Morty was getting. Suddenly Rick kicks open the door. "Morty, (Y/n), u-uh, come on. There's a family emergency." Rick grabs you by one arm. Mr. Goldenfold grabs the other. Morty looks at the scene in slight panic. "Stop right there! If she leaves, I'm giving her an F!" Mr. Goldenfold said. "She doesn't care." Rick said. You sighed in relief. "Thank you so much for pulling me out of there." You said. "No problem. Now take a shower with me, (Y/n). Morty." Rick said. You stared at him in disbelief. "What?!" You and Morty asked in sync. "Listen to me, guys. Get your clothes off and get in the shower right now." Rick strips. "Y-y-y-you got to trust me, guys." Rick said. You sighed, but then stripped too, along with Morty. "Morty, (Y/n), that's not class. T-t-t-that wasn't your teacher. This isn't your school. This entire world is not the world. We're inside a huge simulation chamber on an alien spaceship." Rick said. Your eyes widened.

"Wait a minute. W-what are you talking about?" Morty asked. "It's all fake *burps* Morty, all of it. Nanobotic renderings, a bunch of... crazy, fake nonsense, Morty. I couldn't say so until we got in the shower. They won't monitor us in here." Rick said. "Monitor us?!" You asked. You look around and try to cover yourself. "W-who?!" You asked. " Zigerion scammers, (Y/n). The galaxy's most ambitious, least successful con artists. You know, it's lucky for us they're also really uncomfortable with nudity." Rick said. "Aw, come on, Rick. If everyone's just gonna be insane today, at least let me be insane with Jessica." Morty said. "Morty, this isn't the time for that!" You snapped. "Oh, please! I saw you back in the classroom, stealing her away from me." Morty snapped, catching you off guard. "Steal- what? Morty, I know you like her! I would never try and take her from you!" You protested. "As if I had any control over what was happening back there!" You argued. "You think I wanted any part of that?" You asked. Morty's anger seemed to vanish and he looked at you with a guilty expression. He knew how much anxiety you had when it came to situations like that. "I... sorry. (Y/n)." He said. You sigh. "It's okay, Morty." You said. Zigerions groan and look away from the monitors with disgust.

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