Morty's Mind Blowers

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You, Rick and Morty are being chased by a goth-looking creature. The three of you are carrying a tortoise that is covered in crystals. "Guys, hurry!" Rick shouted. "Guys. whatever you do, don't drop the Truth Tortoise! Also, really important--whatever you do, don't look into its eyes!" Rick warned. "I did look at it, Rick! I've been looking at it!" You shouted. "Now you're gonna know everything, (Y/n)!" Rick scolded. the Goth Creature almost catch up."Good job! Way to go! You fucked everything up!" Rick shouted. "Hey, shut up, Rick!" Morty snapped. You hear the the Truth Tortoise's speech in your head. "It's in my head! Oohhhh!!" You shouted. "Get rid of that thing!" Morty throws the Truth Tortoise down a pink vortex before the Goth Creature could get it back. The dimension starts collapsing from its foundations until

Time Skip

"Oh, geez... I-I can't get that Truth Tortoise out of my head." You said. "Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Morty asked. "Yeah, I told you not to look into its eyes. Hey, Morty, let's watch some Interdimensional Cable. Remember how we used to do that?" Rick asked. "Rick, I can't-- I can't go on. I-I can't go on like this with the Truth Tortoise shit in my head. I-I wish you could just--" You began. "Erase the memory from your mind?" Rick asked. "How did you know what she was gonna say?" Morty asked suspiciously. "Come on, guys, come with me." Rick said.

Time Skip

Rick opens the hatch to his secret underground lab with you and Morty. "After you two." Rick said. You, Morty and Rick enter a large circular room filled with red, blue and purple vials across the room, with a large chair and a helmet beside it. "What the hell is this?!" You asked. "This, (Y/n), is my archive of all the experiences you've begged me to remove from from your life." Rick puts a purple vial in a section. "lest you go insane. I call them "Morty's and (Y/n)'s Mind Blowers"! And we'll be doing this instead of Interdimensional Cable." Rick said. You and Morty look at the numerous vials in disbelief with Rick checking in the background. "How long have we been asking you to remove memories?" Morty asked.

"Since the first [burps] time your minds were blown." Rick picks up a blue vial. "Ah, here it is. [burps] Classic." He blows the vial. As you and Morty come over, Rick puts the helmet on you and has you sit down on the chair. "There's no dust on it because this isn't the first time we've done this." Rick said. "What?!" You asked.  "I call this "Moonspiracy"! Ha-ha-ha-ha-hah!" Rick inserts the blue vial into the helmet, presses a button and zoom into your rolled-up eyes.

Time Skip

At Night, you are looking at the full moon through the telescope. You see the Apollo 11 lunar module and American flag on the moon's surface. "Huh, wow. That's incredible." You rotate the view to the left. A strange figure standing in a mid-stride walking pose gazes at you. "What the heck?!" The man then smiles sinisterly.


You explain the story to Morty, Beth, Summer and Rick at the table. "(Y/n), do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?" Beth asked. "Yeah, pretty crazy story, (Y/n)." Rick said. You are outraged. "Are you serious?! Half the crap we've seen, and you think that sounds crazy?!" You asked. "Exactly!" Morty agreed. "I've been to 300 versions of Earth's moon, including this one, and I've never seen signs of a "regular dude," as you describe him, hanging out up there." Rick said. "Smudge on the lens?! SMUDGE ON THE LENS?!! I think I know the difference between a man threatening me and a smudge on the goddamn lens, Summer!!" You shouted. "(Y/n) calm down! Are you feeling okay?" Beth asked. "I'M FINE!!" You angrily leave the table and run upstairs. "So sensitive." Beth said.

Time Skip

In a classroom, Morty watches you worriedly as you draw a sketch of the moon man's head in a crescent moon shape. Principal Vagina enters the classroom. "Kids, I'd like to introduce you all to our new guidance counselor, Mr. Lunas." The  moon man enters the classroom. You drop your pencil in shock. "(Y/n)?" Morty asked with concern, before looking back at the new teacher. "I look forward to helping guide you all towards a brighter future. I believe every student should..." he smiles sinisterly. At Night. Mr. Lunas walks down the street holding the tattered American flag as you eavesdrops behind a bush with your phone at the ready. "Got you now, you son of a bitch." You take pictures as Lunas plants flag on a front lawn.

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