Raising Gazorpazorp

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"Look, I'm not paying 70 smidgens for a broken defraculator." Rick said. "That is multiphase quantum resonator." The alien said. "Well, does it defraculate?" Rick asked. "Fuck no." The alien said. "Then -- then -- then it's a broken defraculator." Rick said. "Like you would even know dick about fraculation! Your planet just got cellphones, and the coverage still sucks!" The alien said. "Yeah, yeah, and your species eat sulfur, So, let's say 60 smidgens, I tell you what -- I'll do you a favor, I'll throw in a fart." Rick said. You snickered. Morty walks over to the counter where you and Rick are. "Hey, uh, Rick, um, you think maybe me and (Y/n) could get something from this place, like a souvenir, like, just to have ---like, something cool, you know?" Morty asked. "I don't need anything from here, Morty." You said. "Oh, okay. What about me then, Rick?" Morty asked. "Not here, Morty, We'll stop somewhere else, because, you know, there's always another pawn shop." Rick said as he walks away. "Oh, okay, I just, um -- you know, I thought that robot over there looked pretty cool, you know?" Morty asked.

"What robot?" You asked. "The one over there." Morty points to the robot on the other side and you raised an eyebrow at it. "You want that?" You asked. "Um, yeah. Kind of." Morty said. "Oh, it looks cool, huh? That's why you want it?" Rick asked. "Yeah! You know, I mean, it's different from the stuff on earth, and, you know, you take me to all these crazy places across the galaxy, and, you know. I don't really have anything to to remember all those trips by, It'd be kind of cool, like a souvenir. You know, like, what if you passed away or died or something? I wouldn't even have anything to remember all the cool stuff we did, you know?" Morty said. "Calm down, Morty. I'm sure he'll get it for you. Right, Rick?" You asked. Rick sighs, then walks back to the counter. "Okay, 60 for the resonator, and my grandson wants the sex robot." Rick said as he takes out his money. Your eyes widened.

Time Skip

"So, we're just going to pretend this isn't happening? I'm not saying that's a bad idea -- just asking." Summer said. "Rick, why would you let Morty bring that thing into our house?!" Jerry shouted. "I don't know, What do you want from me? He thi-- he thou-- he thou-- he th-- he thought it looked cool, You know what I mean? Plus, (Y/n) made me." Rick said. "Rick!" You shouted. "What? It's true. I knew for a fact you wouldn't stop nagging me unless I bought it for him." Rick protested. You crossed your arms and grumbled. You saw Morty come down with only his boxers on and grab the milk from the table, he then took a big gulp. "Ahh, All right, Back to -- back to -- b-back upstairs." He then runs back upstairs. Jerry gives Rick an unamused glare. After an awkward moment of silence, Jerry stands up. "Well, I'm intervening." He said. "Intervening with puberty? You'll turn him into Ralph Fiennes in "Red Dragon," He's at that age, Let's just be proud of him." Beth argued. "Jesus, Did I really set the bar that low?" Summer asked. You rolled your eyes. Morty quickly runs back down the stairs. "Um, Rick, could you come with me, please -- q-quickly?" He asked.

You sigh. "Oh boy." You said. "Okay, now if we hear squeaking, we intervene." Beth said. Rick sprints after him, and you take off after Rick. Your eyes widened as you see the robot flying around the room out of control. "Where's the sex robot, Morty?" Rick asked. "That is Gwendolyn -- I-I mean, the robot! She started beeping and then transformed and tried to fly away!" Morty panicked. "You named it?" You asked. "That isn't the problem right now, (Y/n)!" Morty snapped. "Strange -- that's usually the man's job, You know what I'm talking about, Morty? Wubba-lubba-dub-dub!" Rick laughs and you glare at him. "Morty that's my catchphrase, remember? Remember -- remember how I -- how I cemented that catchphrase?" Rick stopped to see you glaring. "All right, All right, seriously, though, let me grab this thing." Rick said. You sighed. Rick jumps onto it and tries to bring it down, causing him to fly around the room. "Come on, you rascal." Rick scolded. "Okay, unacceptable!" Beth said as she slams the door open. "What is going on?" Jerry asked in confusion. Suddenly the robot stopped and something fell from below it, and Morty caught it in his arms. It was some kind of alien baby.

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