The Wedding Squanchers

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The Smith Family is sat around a table having cereal for breakfast together. "The trick to cereal is keeping 70% of it above the milk." Jerry said. "Jerry, get a job." Beth said. A knock is heard at the front door. "Uh, w-why don't you get it Jerry? you're the man of the house and you don't have a job." Rick said. Jerry sighs and stands up to answer door. Jerry opens the door and flinches in fear as a large brain-resembling, automated delivery mechanism [a 'courier flap'] hovers into the house and makes its way into the dining room. "Delivery for Rick, (Y/n), Morty, Summer, Beth and Jerry." It said. Summer drops her spoon upon seeing the Courier Flap. "Gross, what is that thing?" She asked. "It's a Courier Flap, it's like the Intergalactic version of UPS but less off-putting." Rick said, Rick reaches his hand into courier and retrieves a metallic egg-shaped item. "OH SHIEEET! It looks like an egg-vite from Birdperson! It must be time for his annual Oscar party. By the way, our TV signals take lightyears to reach his planet, nobody tell him that Braveheart wins." Rick cracks the egg open like a regular egg. Upon cracking the egg, a miniature hologram emerges with Pachelbel's Canon playing in the background and videos of Tammy and Birdperson.

"Greetings, this is Birdperson." Birdperson said. "And Tammy!" Tammy said. "Inviting you to Planet Squanch for our mate-melding ceremony." Birdperson said. "Ughhhh..." Rick places a napkin over the hologram and takes it to the bin in the kitchen. "If you're not a bird, that means we're getting married!" Tammy said. "Oh my God! My friend Tammy's marrying Birdperson!" Summer said. "What the hell is a 'Birdperson,'?" Jerry asked. "He's Rick's best friend." Morty said bluntly. "Uhhhh, l-l-let's not get carried away, Morty." Rick said. "Would you like to RSVP or send a gift?" Courier Flap asked. "No. Weddings are basically funerals with cake. If I wanted to watch someone throw their life away, *belch* I'd hang out with Jerry all day." Rick said. "Rick!" You scolded. "What? You know it's true, (Y/n)." He said. "Affirmative. Returning to sender." If flies towards front door. "No, hold on, stay... " you said. It turns back around and re-entering dining room. "Staying." "Rick, you have a friend that's getting married... that's a big deal." You said. Rick scoffs. "It's a big deal he has a friend." Jerry said. "What do you know about friendship, Jerrrrrry?" Rick asked. "Confirm, shipping Jerry." It hovers over Jerry and fully shoves him into underside before flying away through open front door and into sky. "Oh God, Jerry?!" Beth runs to the door. "Dad?!" You, Morty and Summer ask, following Beth to the door. "Where is it taking him?" You asked. "I assume Planet Squanch, 6000 lightyears across the galaxy." Rick said. "Wh?-Wh- th-th-that's insane!" Morty shouted. "Yeah, I know. Now we have to go to the wedding." Rick said.

Time Skip

Rick, you, Summer, Beth and Morty are flying through the galaxy in Rick's space cruiser while the radio plays techno music. The cruiser then flies down through the atmosphere of a clouded planet and lands on the surface of Planet Squanch. "Rick Sanchez, you psycho bag of Squanch!" Squanchy greeted. "Hey, what's up, Squanchy?" Rick asked. You and Morty wave at him. "Heya Squanchy." You, Mortys and Summer said in sync. "Morty, (Y/n)! Summer! And you must be Beth." He kisses Beth's hand, "Au squanché." He greeted. "Your language has 'squanch,' in it a lot. Doesn't that become tedious and worn out like the Smurf thing?" Beth asked. "Beth, Squanchy culture is more... contextual than literal. You just say what's in your squanch and people understand." Rick said. "Oh, okay... I squanch my family." Beth said. Rick and Squanchy look at her with disgust and shock. "Uhh..." Squanchy said. "What? I do, I squanch my family." Beth said. "Just stop saying it, gross." Squanchy said. He turns away from the family gesturing for them to follow him. "Come on in, guys. The guest are having cocksquanches." As everyone follows Squanchy, the Courier Flap appeared plopping out Jerry next to Beth. Jerry appears dazed holding his head looking at his new surroundings. "Where am I?!" Beth holds out Jerry's tux shoving it in his arms. "You're at a wedding. Go change."

Time Skip

Tammy squeals as Summer arrives and they hug. "You made it!" Tammy said. "I wouldn't miss it for the world!" Summer said. Summer then notices her ring. "Oh my god. I love your ring." She said. "Thanks. It was Birdperson's grandmother's. She fought a squirrel for it." Tammy said. You were standing with Morty, Rick and Beth as Birdperson approaches. "Birdperson." Rick greeted. "Rick, I am pleased you and your family could witness my melding with Tammy." He said. "Our pleasure." You smiled at him. "Yeah, I just hope you got a pre-meld." Rick said. "Rick!" Morty nudged him. "What? It's just a practical way of making sure that when she's done with you, you can get one of your balls back." Rick said. "Jesus, Rick." You scolded. "He's just grumpy from the flight." Morty tried to reassure Birdperson. "Oh, I was happy from the light. I'm grumpy with the landing." Rick said as he walks away. You angrily follow him.

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