The Rickchurian Mortydate

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"So, you're mining stuff to craft with and crafting stuff to mine with?" Rick asked, as he sat next to you and Morty while you were playing Minecraft. "uh-huh " Morty said. "Did your dad write this game?" Rick asked. "Mean." You said. Suddenly the three of you heard helicopters and ran to the front door to see two people who worked for the president at the door. "Lady and gentlemen, you're needed by a friend in Washington!" One of them said. "How clandestine." Rick said. He uses his portal gun and opens a portal below you and Morty, causing you both to fall through, and he jumps in afterwards. You and Morty land in the White House where you see the president talking with a few other people. "Mr. President." Morty said as you, him and Rick walk toward him. "It's about time, lady and gentlemen. Rick, do you need to drink in here?" He asked. "Yes." Rick said. "Here's the adventure. Some kind of alien, googa has infested the Kennedy Sex tunnels. I want it hunted down and taken out." The president said. "Kennedy Sex Tunnels?" You asked. "Naturally, you'll forget you saw them, along with, in order of national embarrassment, the Truman Cocaine Lounge, the McKinley Hooker Dump, and the Lincoln Slave Coliseum. He didn't free them all. And let me know when you're done." He explained.

"Maybe then (Y/n) and I could get a selfie with you?" Morty asked. "Too busy, Morty, Now tell me about this summit. Is it a peace one or a regular one?" The president asked as he walked away. Later the three of you were in the tunnels looking for the alien. "Ugh. This sucks." Rick said. "God, tell me about it." Morty said. "Oh, man. If you're not into it." Rick said. "What do you mean? Why would he be into it? It's lame." You said. "The two of you are into lame stuff, (Y/n). I thought young dumb people considered it an honor to work for presidents or whatever the shit." Rick said. "Maybe the first few times, but this just sucks." Morty said. "He treats us like Ghostbusters." You said. "We should talk to him." Morty suggested. "Yeah, that sounds fun. Let's set some boundaries with a spoiled control freak that thinks he runs the world and orders drone strikes to cope with his insecurity." Rick said. You snickered. "It's either that or more of this." You said. "Third choice..." Rick opens up a portal. "Minecraft." "You like it now?" Morty asked. "Got to be honest, Morty. It's growing on me. " Rick said. Little did you know, people from the White House were watching. "Notify the president." "What should we tell him?" "Tell him the truth. Tell him Rick, (Y/n) and Morty just blew off America."

Time Skip

"You can use that wood to make a chest." You said as you, Rick and Morty were on the sofa playing Minecraft again. "Oh, good. Then I can store all this wood I'll need later for chest-making." Rick said sarcastically. "Okay. You're not going to have fun if you analyze everything." Morty scolded. "This is what they'd rather do?" The president asked as he watched the three of you on a screen. "It's all in the transcript." The president looked at the words the three of you had said earlier.  "Treats us like Ghostbusters." So, Ghostbusters aren't cool now? I don't recall signing that bill. "Control freak." "Orders drone strikes to cope with..." his eyes narrowed. "Insecurity." "Should we drone-strike them?" "That would prove them right!" The president scolded. "and blow him up." "give me the phone." The president took the phone. "Is this game popular with autistic people?" Rick asked. "Why would you say something like that?" You asked. " 'cause I'm starting to love it." Rick said. Suddenly Morty's phone rings and he picks it up. ""Failure to answer is a felony offense"?" He asked. "Play it cool. As far as he knows, we're still in the tunnels." Rick said.

"When should we reveal we can see them?" "We're holding all the cards right now. We don't show any before the time is right." The president said. "Awesome." "Yello?" Rick asked. "Hi, guys. U.S. President calling. How's it going?" The president asked. "Oh hey. Just hard at work on this sex tunnel gagoo. I think it's kind of our new archnemesis, you know? It might take a while. What do you think, guys a month?" Rick asked. "Fingers crossed, a month, yeah." You said. "You lying dicks! I see your asses playing "Minecraft"! I got you on satellite! That's right! What do you have to say for yourselves?" The president asked. You and Morty glance at each other, then  you look at Rick. "Okay, obviously, this looks bad Mr. President." Morty said. " I mean, what doesn't look bad through an illegal spy satellite?" Rick asked. "Don't high-road me. The three of you break 1,000 federal laws a day." The president said.  "Wow, really?" You asked. "that's pretty cool." Rick said. You nodded in agreement.  "And, yes, yes, yes, yes, you save the world now and then, America returns that favor by not holding the two of you  accountable to its laws." The president said. "Oh!" Morty said. "Oh! Oh, God. We Wé didn't Know you saw it that way." Rick said.

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