Truth or Dare

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Taylor was ready to go to the party. With her phone in her hand, she went downstairs, into the dining room where everyone was present. 

"Dad, I won't be having the dinner. There is a party at Patrice's......" Taylor said confidently and casually. After that incident which changed her life, she almost never went to any parties. After a lot of struggle, she was finally able to overcome that trauma. 

A smile grew on Taylor's dad, Scott. He cheered, "Seriously kiddo? That's great. W-when will you come back. And, And will you go by yourself?" 

Taylor felt internally happy watching her dad smile like that. She was just gonna respond when Austin spoke, "No, dad, Jake's gonna pick her up today" He smirked. 

Taylor tried hard not to blush but she couldn't help. Lauren came from the kitchen and leaned against the doorframe. She smiled and said, "So, who is this Jake?" 

Here she comes again. Just cut it off, okay? You'll always be a stranger to me. Taylor thought to herself . She still kept a nice face on and replied, "No, Lauren. He's nobody that you need to know about. Don't make dinner for me. I'm gonna tap out, see you guys" Sarcasm dripped off her tone.

Lauren's smile faded away from her face and Scott comforted her by resting his hand over her arm. She sighed and rejoiced, "Its okay honey, take care" 

"Its Taylor!" Taylor fumed, rolled her eyes and went out of the house. She stood on the porch and looked around. The street was dusty and empty with a street light on. She let off a sigh and called Jake. 

"Where are you??" Taylor quaked. 

"What? Where are you?...............Oh, didn't I tell you that I'll meet you at the party?" Jake said quite casually. 

"No" Taylor muttered.

"Oh, okay. I'll tell you now. I won't be able to pick you up. I had to do something" Jake remarked, laughing at his stupidity. 

Taylor looked up in disgust and then answered, "Okay, fine. See you there" She hung up. She could've argued with him because he stood her up. However, she was too exhausted to handle this shit. She simply decided to walk to her house. It wasn't that far anyway. 


Loud music was boosting in the air. There were people all over the house with plastic cups in their hands, dancing and talking to each other, making out and also doing embarrassing things. 

Joe's eyes wandered around the crowd, looking for his friends. And, he finally found them, dancing, which is one of the things Joe hated. But after all the drama happened at his house, he couldn't care less about it and just slashed his was to his group.

"Joe!!! Here he is! Beer?"  Sam cheered after their eyes met. 

"Nah.........You know what? Screw it. Give me some" Joe scoffed and took the plastic glass and chugged the beer in. He was truly tired and couldn't give a fuck about his swimming. His main purpose to come to the party was to loosen up a bit and feel free off everything for some hours. 

"There you go. One more" Luke chimed and offered Joe some more. Without thinking about it anymore, he accepted Luke's offer.

Selena and Abigail already reached the party and were looking for Taylor. They couldn't find her and decided to call her. 

"Taylor, w-wh-where are you?" Selena struggled to speak as the music was extremely loud. She tried to block the music by keeping a hand on her ear and went outside the house. 

"Looks like you're already at the party" Taylor said. 

"Yes, where are you?" Abigail asked. 

"Be patient, idiots. I'll be there in a minute or so" Taylor replied. 

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