Crisis Averted

411 28 13

"He had a h-heart attack earlier this morning" Tom replied.

Joe took a step back as a reaction of this heart-wrenching news. Tears filled in his eyes immediately. He nodded his head slightly as he felt Taylor's hand on his shoulder. "O-Oh ok-ay. Well what can I do about it. See you guys soon" And he slammed the door on his brother's faces, ignoring all his emotions.

Taylor furrowed her eyebrows and said, "What was that?"

He turned around and replied, "What was what?"

"Didn't you hear? Your dad is in the hospital. You need to be with him right now" She said, tried to be polite as this was a sensitive topic to touch.

"He didn't need me my our whole life. Why would he need me now?" He said, his voice raising a bit.

"Because y-you...why aren't you understanding?" She spoke while he walked towards the couch, ignoring her.

"Why does it affect you anyway?" He fumed, now facing her.

"Because I know how it feels like. Trust me, if all those years back, I preferred that stupid party over my dad's message, I would've regretted it forever" She said, trying to make an emotional approach to this.

He furrowed his eyebrows a bit, trying to understand what she wanted to convey.

"God forbid, but what if this is the last chance for you to meet your dad? I know how it feels not to have a parent. And that feeling is terrible. I just don't want you to go through this pain" She spoke, her tone becoming calmer. She took a deep breath, and then said again, "All I'm saying is that meet your dad once, for me, please?"

He sighed in defeat, "Okay. Just for you, okay?"

She smiled internally. She very well knew how he shielded his emotions. He showed how he didn't give a damn about his dad, but she knew he was broken from inside. She knew he just needed a push, which will refrain him from not loving his parents.

"But what about the... umm the baby problem?" He hesitantly asked, not knowing how at address it.

"Oh, I'll just get myself a morning pill, don't worry" She replied.

Both of them got ready and without even having some coffee or tea, they just got out of the house and drove to the hospital. They parked the car and Joe asked for his dad's room at the reception.

They stood out of the room in which his dad was admitted. He peeped into the room, looking at his mom, his brothers surrounding his sick dad. His eyes had this hope, which could make anyone cry. She noticed it. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it, bringing him back from his own thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door slowly. She decided to stay at the door and not rob this personal moment for him and his family. He slowly walked it, taking notice of everything, the pills, the hospital bed, the foul smell of the medicines, sorrowful vibe, everything.

He looked at her mom, whose eyes were already stuck on his son. She hadn't changed a bit since he last saw her. He just realised how much he used to admire her, how brave as a woman she was. Working and earning for the family while his dad did nothing but change his occupation almost everyday.

He hated his dad, however as he grew up, it came to his senses. His dad just wanted to contribute and help his mother. He just couldn't find his passion, which wasn't really his fault. But he never had the courage to go back to them.

He sniffled, finally letting his guard down after years. His mom, Elisabeth, opened her arms and gestured him to come towards her. He slowly took steps towards her and he put his arms around his mom. He forgot how it felt feeling the love from his mom.

Raging Hearts- JaylorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant