The last time

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The clock struck three in the afternoon, the sun covered by the clouds. Taylor was feeding the cats and cooking lunch for the two humans in the house. She heard her phone vibrate and she washed her hands before picking it up. 

She saw it was her friend and her publicist Tree. She wondered if everything was alright and answered the call, keeping an eye on the three pretty cats. 

"Hey Tree!" Taylor said. 

"Hey T. How are you?" Tree asked from the other side of the call. 

Taylor took time to answer that question. How was she? This question wasn't difficult to answer because she had been better than ever. The world seemed a better place to live now. These four weeks were great. She had finally found what she was feeling. She finally started dating her former school enemy, Joe. And she was over the moon. Their lives had changed. Everything had changed. The world was now more brighter and clearer than it was ever before. From making love in the bed to watching stars while holding hands to late night talking, they were doing it all.

"I'm great actually. Everything is nice" She answered, not realising how much she was blushing. 

"Listen, I had to talk about something" Tree spoke in a serious tone. 

Taylor deeply inhaled, her mind thinking of a million worse things Tree could possibly call her for. "Yeah sure. What is it?" 

"Your visa is gonna expire. You'll have to come here before is happens otherwise there'll just be a lot of paperwork. And you might be legally investigated." Tree informed her. 

"W-what? When is it-" Taylor asked. 

"20th October" She said. There was complete silence and Tree knew something was wrong. She said, "Look, I know you're enjoying your time there. Everything is new for both of you but you don't have a choice here" 

"Okay. I'll call you back, okay" Taylor blankly said and ended the call. 

She rested her hands on the counter and just thought. Thought of all the good and sweet moments she had spent with him. How she felt so many things she had never felt before. She couldn't leave now. What if it ruins everything? 

Taylor was lost in the thoughts of going back when a familiar voice interrupted her. She looked up and saw a tall blonde standing there. 

"Where are you lost?" Joe asked her, picking up Meredith. 

"Nothing. Its just that..." Taylor replied absentmindedly. She just wasn't sure how to talk about moving away, even though it wasn't wrong because she was just going back home. 

"Is everything alright?" He studied her expressions and walked towards her. He took her hand and kissed the knuckled of it. But this simple gesture broke her heart even more. 

She bit the inside of her cheek to suppress tears and replied, "Yup. Everything is alright" 

He looked into her eyes, trying to find an answer. "Are you sure?" He asked. 

She nodded and put a fake smile on her face. He knew she was hiding something. He knew the difference between her fake smile and the real ones. He had seen her real laughs when she pranked him, and the fake ones when he pranked her. But he respected her privacy and just gave her some space. 

"Okay. So what's for lunch?" He asked encouragingly and checked the refrigerator. 

"I made spaghetti and meatballs" She answered and started putting the meal into two plates. 

He turned around and saw how she already prepared the lunch. He was so grateful for her. He wrapped his arms around her waist from her back and kissed her cheek. She could feel butterflies in her stomach and just smiled, being in his arms. 

Raging Hearts- JaylorWhere stories live. Discover now