Fire for you

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"The sky is so pretty" Taylor said, and interlocked her fingers with Joe's while they laid together on the hard ground on the roof.

"Hmm, but not prettier than you" He replied, his eyes stuck on the shiny stars that hung in the dark sky above them.

A pink colour ran through her cheeks as she was trying not to smile so hard.

"You're blushing, aren't you?" He asked without even looking at her.

"N-No. I'm not. You can never make me blush" She said and rolled her eyes.

He turned his head to face her and said, "Oh yeah?... Okay then"

He scooted closer to her. He kissed her cheek, then her forehead, then the tip of her nose and finally her lips. He went back to his position and muttered, "Let's wait for the results"

Happiness ran through her whole body and she started to turn as red as a tomato. She was smiling so hard that her cheeks started to hurt by this point.

For some mere moments, they kept staring at the stars, holding hands and enjoying this little moment of peace in their lives. Out of the blue, he said, "So you know, I was coming home yesterday and guess who I ran into"

She turned herself and now her head rested on her elbow. "I don't know. Tell me!"

"I ran into Rosie. She was a friend of mine from my university and she has changed so much" He spoke, astonished about his encounter with his friend earlier.

"Oh, your expression tells me that she's changed in a good way?" She asked suspiciously, looking down at his face and investigating his expression.

"Oh yes. Can you believe it that she has a 6 month old baby?" He said in a surprised tone.

She sighed with relief and replied, "What? That's good for her"

"Yes. Spontaneously, she took me to her apartment and there I met her cute little baby boy" He further spoke.

"Do you have any pictures or anything?"

"Yes. Lemme grab my mobile" He said. She handed him his phone and she saw all the pictures he clicked of the kid.

"Oh babies are so cute" She whined after looking at the pictures.

"I know right? No offense to our cats, but yeah, babies are cute" He replied in the rhythm of the conversation.

She didn't reply anything for a moment. Did he just say our cats? She might've never noticed this before, but she didn't think he'd call the pets as theirs collectively.

Every time earlier he mentioned about the pets, he always said either 'benji and olivia' Or 'benji and your cat'. This simple word our made her feel so differently good. She suddenly felt closer to him now.

"Yeah, our cats" She smiled to herself and mumbled.

"But you know what the weird thing is, she is exactly my age and she is a frigin mother. And look at me, dating my enemy" He joked and sat straight up right now.

She also sat straight and laughed with him. He can be silly sometimes. "But seriously, did you ever think about having kids and all that stuff?" She hesitantly asked, afraid that the fun of the conversation will go away.

"I don't know. You wanna talk about it?" He casually asked.

"Come on" She punched his shoulder. "We've been together for almost an year. I think we can talk about this stuff"

He took a deep breath and then replied, "well of course I've thought about it. And it wouldn't hurt. I won't want to be a father like right now, but sometime in future, surely with the right person" He glanced a look at her when he said, 'right person'

Raging Hearts- JaylorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin