In da club

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Joe was sitting on his bed with his cat Benjamin. He was stroking his soft and fluffy fur as the conversation he recently had in the dive bar with Taylor kept replaying in his head like a loop.

"Oh, so you don't remember anything for real?"........................"You didn't just betray me.......... You shattered my heart"

He took the book that she recently published and opened the first page where she wrote, 'Joe, TYSM' He smiled warmly and whispered, "Thank you" and started reading it. Although, the book and Benji weren't enough to distract him from that fight. He was reading the words, but none were going inside his head. All he could think about was how he could fix all that.

Why does he want to fix any of it. He never liked her, right? He shouldn't want to fix it in the first place. He instantly regretted the decision of going to that event. After all, she chased him, he was the one who ended it bitterly. It was all his fault. He shattered her delicate heart at first. Even though he owed her a big explanation, it was completely her choice to listen to it. He knew it was long gone, and there was no way he could bring the pieces back together.

It was 3 am and Taylor was sitting near the window in her bedroom, talking to the moon. She wasn't talking out loud, but her eyes said it all. She opened her phone and went straight to the draft message that was saved there for ages. The last message for Joe, which was supposed to end things on a good note. But she never sent that message and everything's over now. She could not stop thinking about their conversation there.

Why did it hurt her so much. Those words she said, pinched her heart hard. She always hated him. Feelings can be so complicated sometimes as they can bring you to care about the person who you wanted to kill once. These feelings were a lot for her. She should've demanded for an explanation. It was her fault but he was more wrong. But maybe, it decides it, they were never supposed to be friends anyway. That dive bar, the words that came out of her mouth, even though she was a little sober, were a sign from the universe for them to be apart, forever.


Two days later.......

"So, what are you wearing?" Selena asked as she was face timing Taylor from New York. 

"Umm Wait a minute" Taylor said and placed the laptop in a way so that her whole wardrobe was visible to her. 

"What? I have to decide?" She confirmed if she had to decide the outfit for her, munching potato chips. 

"Duh...." Taylor replied, throwing her hands in the air. 

"Feels like I'm your personal stylist" She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "That black one?"

Taylor took out the cloth she was referring to. She unfolded it she it turned out to be a shirt which she was obviously not gonna wear in this freezing cold. 

"Umm then..........." She scanned her wardrobe with her eyes and prompted, "Yeah, got it. That blue one. That's gotta work" 

Taylor took it out and it was a woolen crop-top. She held it open in front of the camera when Selena spoke again, "Not this" She slammed her hand on her forehead and complained, "You're so dumb Tay............That shimmery blue dress" 

She took the right clothes out this time and it was a beautiful midnight blue sparkling short dress which was perfect for a club. 

"Now quickly try it!" Selena said excitedly. Taylor switched the camera off and changed into the outfit. She switched the camera on again. Selena clapped her hands and tapped her shoulder with a proud smile. 

"You just know what suits me, always" Taylor commented. 

"Hah, what can I say" Both of them chuckled. 

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