10 Seconds

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...........Taylor crawled towards the table and accepted her call.

"Hey Patrice. Sup gurl?" Taylor said, hoping her voice won't reveal that she was just having a breakdown.

"Hey Taylor. I'm fine as always" She replied.

"So whats up? Why did you call?" She asked as curiosity was eating her up.

"Oh yeah. I called because I am coming to Paris!!!!" she replied enthusiastically.

The moment Taylor heard this, her face brightened up a bit. She happily said, "Wow!! I haven't seen you in like forever!!!"

"And do you know something else? We were having a unofficial reunion. In paris. And not only me and you, but A lot of batchmates are gonna be there" She said.

"Really? Sel and Abi too?" Taylor asked, getting up and sitting on the couch.

"*scoffs* Yeah, of course they are!" Patrice playfully rolled her eyes playfully.

"Just send me the details already bish" She said, laughing.

"Okay. I just have to call Joe now. And then, I'll forward the details to everyone together. Bye!" Patrice said in a hurry and ended the call.

Taylor kept the phone on the table and looked up in relief and excitement. The next moment itself, she got up from the sofa and started jumping around, saying rhythmically, "I am gonna meet my bestays!!! Hoooo! Yayyy...I'm gonna meet my bestays, besties!!!!..........besties, besties, yassss besties, besites............"

Her little celebration was occurred by a thud sound. She saw a stone hitting her window. She gasped. She picked the cushion and shielding her face with it, she cautiously walked towards the closed window. She was afraid it was another stalker. She slowly opened it and snuck her head out of it. She looked around and then her eyes went down. She saw her enemy, standing in his classy checked overcoat and a pair of casual jeans and a scarf around his neck. Someone who recently just gave her what felt like thousands of panic attacks. Yeah, you're right, Joe. If he hadn't mentioned Jake, those attacks would've never happened. She opened the window, made a grumpy face and shouted, "What?"

"Come down!" He shouted back.

"Wait!" She said and closed the window back. She wouldn't have gone down, but she didn't have the power to deal with him if he decided to come at her door. Because she very well knew how stubborn he was.

She was sitting in a messy bun, in her training bra and her favourite cat pajamas. She groaned, realising she had to wear a t-shirt to go out. She couldn't hate him any more. She went to her closet and took out a jacket. Being too lazy to wear anything else, she simply threw on the jacket and no t-shirt beneath it. The jacket was warm anyway.

Without caring about how her hair looked, she wore her shoes and made her way downstairs, out of the apartment.

There he was, standing with his hands in his pocket, waiting for her. As he saw her, he waved his hand dryly towards her.

She crossed her arms across her and stuttered, "W-w-what do you w-w-want?" The cold was killing her. She wished if she wore a warm t-shirt beneath the jacket.

"Looks like someone was writing another nerdy book" He rolled his eyes and took out the pencil our of her bun which was tying the hin together. Because of which, her beautiful blonde hair fell lose on shoulder making her look beautiful.

"G-give me back my pencil!" She said and snatched it back.

"Patrice called you too?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm pretty excited actually" She replied.

Raging Hearts- JaylorWhere stories live. Discover now