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Taylor was standing in her black dress, slowly slurping her wine, listening to everyone's toasts for the new couple, Tom and Emily.

There were several people raising toasts and the last one was Patrick.

"...I still remember whenever Joe and I used to fight, like actually punching fight, Tom would resolve it and he wouldn't even let our parents know. Trust me guys, he's saved me from a lot of scoldings... " He said this line. Although, there was some sadness that couldn't go unnoticed by Taylor. She felt as if he was missing his parents. And why not? He was just 15 years old. And Taylor understood that feeling because she didn't have her mother when she was 15.

Taylor went to Patrick, who was at the bar, drinking soda. "Patrick! You want some beer?" She asked him in a playful way.

"No. I'm gonna have my first taste of beer with my dad. I mean if Joe and Tom let me, of course" Patrick answers.

"What? Why would they permit you to meet your own parents?" She questioned him, really curious to know.

"See, my parents were really shitty. They just told us to leave Nashville and move to London all of a sudden, just because they were about ti get divorced. And guess what? They are still together. It was like a mutual decision of the three of us that we couldn't handle them anymore. But that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to miss them" Patrick vented, while she just listened to him.

"I'm sorry. And you're right. It's totally normal to miss them. Is there anything else you wanna talk about?" Taylor said softly.

Her gaze got stuck behind Patrick, at Joe and another girl, who looked prettier than her. They were giving each other playful punches. She was laughing constantly and also rolling her eyes. Rolling her eyes. Taylor was just staring at them, as jealousy sunk her in. Then, he kissed her cheek and went away to Tom. She literally felt as if that man was a fucking magnet.

She felt like she was gonna throw that glass at somebody. At him. She was well aware she had no reason to be jealous. But she just wanted to punch the wall hard until her hand bled. She realized she was at a wedding reception, so just shoved her anger down and sat at an empty chair.

"Hey. How's it going?" Joe came and with a friendly smile, sat besides her.

"It was great until you decided to come near me" She answered with a sass that was missing in her in the morning.

"I'm glad you feel that way" He said, and she rolled her eyes at him.

"Looks like you just found a date for yourself" She mumbled, hoping he could hear it.

"Umm what? Who are you talking about?" He asked, surprised at her accusation.

"Oh really? That fucking girl in the pink dress?" She reminded him, her eyebrows raised.

Joe slammed his hand on his forehead, shaking it sideways. He glanced over his side, and her side, looking at his relatives. He wondered if they'll hear them.

He stood up, Taylor's eyes following him. He lowered down and extended a hand to her, asking her for a dance.

She rolled her eyes and declined. "No, what in the world made you think I'll dance with you?"

He just gave her a boyish grin and grabbed her hand. He pulled her towards the open space, where the other couples were dancing.

He hesitantly kept his hands on her waist, making her jump a little. She kept her delicate hand on his shoulder, and rested the other on his chest.

He pulled her closer to him, a small gasp escaping her mouth. She looked down, at her heels, unable to make the eye contact. He took deep breaths, not being able to look away from that beautiful face of hers. His hot breath fell on her temple, giving her chills down the spine.

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