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At Lombardi's mansion.

Rulac quickly put a candy in his mouth after taking the medicine Estira handed him.

"It's very sweet, very sweet."

Rulac would have been fed up with the bitter medicine by now and should be frowning, but it's quite the opposite.

"You're in a good mood today, Lord Patriarch."

Estira asked, tilting her head. "Are you feeling much better?"

"Ah, that's true."

Rulac smiled mischievously.

Then he said, checking the time.

"Maybe the aristocratic conference has begun by now."

Then he rolled the candy in his mouth once.

Eventually, a rather frivolous laughter flowed from Rulac.

"...my Lord?"

"Hahaha! How embarrassed they must have been since Tia suddenly showed up for me!"

Rulac grabbed his stomach and laughed.

"It's too bad that I can't see those faces, so regretful! Hahaha!"

The loud laughter of Rulac went on for quite a long time.

Estira, who was shaking her head while watching it the side, said quietly.

"Will Florentia be alright?"

"Yes." Rulac stopped his laughter and looked at Estira.

"Why don't you think she won't be okay, Dr. Estira?"

"Because...she's still young and the fact that a woman is attending a noble meeting as a Deputy Patriarch..."

"It's not just any other kid, it's Tia. Who we've seen doing all sorts of things."

"Is that so..."

"Of course, I'll try to discourage Tia at first."

Rulac's laughter, which had stopped, began again.

"Haaa... they will die in envy."


"How many people do you think have a proper successor in our position? They all wrap their heads up because of their stupid children. Seeing our Tia, how envious they must be, wouldn't they?"

Rulac stretched out loudly and threw another candy into his mouth.

"Yes, they must be envious, envious. Heh."

Rulac hummed, imagining the faces of the nobles filling the conference hall as Tia walked in and show how smart and stubborn she is.

Leaning against the bed, the tips of each foot bobbed to the cheerful song.


(Florentia's POV)

"The first and only issue of today's meeting is the restoration of the Brown family's authority over the nobility."

Chairman Killian said, looking left and right at the audience.

"Your Majesty personally referred to the council of the nobility and he said, 'I will leave the judgement entirely to the outcome of the council of the nobility.'"

Yovanes, that punk.

I can't believe he's passing all this important decision on to someone else.

The only thing he does, to say that he is the Emperor, is to call open his back pocket, which is not open to the aristocracy.

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