Side Story 24

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It was really worth seeing Chanton Sushou's face contorted at my greeting.

"Don't waste your time with useless words. It's a matter of life and death for this side."

"It's a useless word? You're too harsh."

I said as if I was seriously hurt.

"It's autumn soon, and I was going to ask if you're well prepared for winter."


Of course, Chanton Sushou couldn't answer.

I wasn't expecting an answer anyway.

The situation in the South was obvious, and we had already been aware of it through the report.

"What's wrong with you? Is the harvest not going well?"

I wanted to rub salt on the wound a few more times, but I thought he would cry like that.

I sat down on my office chair and said.

"Did you receive my letter?"

"...I'm here to check it out myself. Really..."

Chanton Sushou asked with a firmer face than usual.

"Did you really find a cure for the disease?"

"The damage in the South is quite serious right now, right? I heard that the export of Sushou's grain farming has stopped immediately."

Oh no, I'm just going to poke it one more time.

"That's what I said. You'll be punished for being so mean."

"No way..."

Chanton Sushou's voice became lower.

"This disease..."

Is this black bear?

"Are you suspecting that I spread it, now?"

"Isn't it?"

"It's not even worth talking to anymore. Get out."

I pointed to the office door and spoke coldly.

Chanton Sushou, who was conscious of such a change in my attitude, apologized, clenching his fists.

"I made a mistake, Matriarch Lombardi, please."

"I am glad that you know it's a mistake."

I still spoke without releasing my expression.

I wasn't really angry, so it didn't matter.

If something similar happens to Lombardi one day, I'll suspect Chanton Sushou first.

Above all, the fact that the black bear, which is like a wooden stone and cannot understand its insides, makes such a mistake, must mean that his body was sweet.

That's why I pretended to be more angry on purpose.

This was to secure an advantageous position in future negotiations.

I took a bunch of papers from the drawer and deliberately put them on the desk to make a bumping sound.

It was a research report sent by Lombardi's scholars from Luman.

Chanton Sushou's gaze quickly followed.

"If I give you this, what can Sushou give me?"

Chanton Sushou answered my question as if he had been waiting.

"If it's a sure cure for the disease, it's a good price..."

"No, no."

I shook my head, picking up a bunch of papers.

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