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A/N: Here is my promised update! Happy reading!


An old woman, a young man, and a woman. Three people who did not blend with the surrounding landscape were slowly strolling through the banquet hall in Lombardi's garden.

They wore clothes completely different from the clothes of the imperial nobles.

The clothes that mainly used the intense primary colors of red, blue, and yellow had a straight-line beauty with little margins, but it was unique that the women's skirts were touching the ground for a long time.

In addition, they wore accessories made of wood, not jewelry, that caught people's attention in an instant.

However, as if they did not feel the gaze, they stepped slowly as if they were out on a tour, and looked around the banquet hall and the nobles.

"Wow, that's great."

Said the man with dark skin and unusually red hair.

"Because the Empire is completely different from our place. It's really different to see in person than in books!"

The man, who was admiring the white cloth covering the table, the evergreen tree in beautiful form, and the mustache of the man who was passing by, spoke to the elderly woman who was walking ahead of him.

"Chief, how is your body?"

Although it was a throwing tone, his eyes were filled with a lot of love when he looked at the old woman who was called 'Chief'.

"I'm fine."

"You can't just keep saying you're fine. I'm a member of the chief's representative. If anything happens, how will I look at the faces of the tribe?"

The man picked up a glass of fruit juice from a nearby table.

Then, a subtle light, which was not visible to the eye, moved as if stirring the juice once and disappeared.

"Yes, it's safe. Drink it, Chief."

"Thanks, Onta."

While the old woman was drinking juice, the young woman standing behind her constantly looked around.

The silent, expressionless face and no unnecessary movement reminded anyone of an upright tree.

"You're right, Onta."

"What are you talking about, Chief?"

"The Empire is very different from our tribe."

"Right? I don't understand."

Onta frowned obnoxiously, glancing at the colorful nobles passing by.

"What's the point of being so greedy? I'd rather be happy to share it with everyone."

"Each one has their own way to live."

"But look, Chief. How many of those people here are truly happy?"

As Onta spoke discontentedly, pointing to the crown, the old woman lifted her wrinkled eyes and carefully examined them.

It was a common outdoor banquet hall, but it was as if you could see something invisible to others.

The old woman looked at them for a long time.

"You're right again, Onta."

"Look at it."

Onta, who answered in a grumpy way, said.

"It's nice to see the Empire, but I don't think it's a place that will be there for that long. Let's finish our business and go back to the village, Chief."

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