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Empress Lavigne frowned.

What do you mean 'don't trust the Imperial family'?

Although through marriage, Lavigne herself was a member of the Royal family.

Croyton Angenas continued to convey his words.

"It is the cruelty of those who sit on the throne that the Brown family, who have devoted themselves to everything, are thrown out in a word."

It couldn't be a contradictory situation.

It was Angenas who once enticed the Emperor to push the Browns out and kill them.

But now you have to stand on the other side and look in the direction of the Emperor's heart.

"For Emperor Durelli, Lombardi is the only eternal ally. Don't risk the fate of Angenas on the favor of the Emperor, who come and go like waves."

Lavigne stood there for a moment without saying anything.

As if she didn't hear Croyton's words.

She stood looking at the dry branches swaying in the wind.

Then she turned around and went back to the conference room, leaving a comment.

"It's too late."

At those words mixed with the cold wind, Croyton Angenas laughed unknowingly.

'It's too late for Angenas.'

It was because that was the real last word his father had left.

'So, even you, Croyton, leave Angenas right now.'

But Croyton, left alone in courtyard, shook his head.

"Where am I going when I leave Angenas, Father?"

His grayish hair shook in the winter breeze.

He who inherited the blood of Angenas only lived and died with his name.


At the same time, the waiting room next to the conference room.

Emperor Yovanes entered the waiting room with an annoyed face.

He was just thinking of ending the schedule of the annoying and burdensome conference so he can go on hawk hunting in the afternoon.

At that time, a small noise caught Yovanes' attention.

"There was a passenger."

Yovanes said in an unpleasant voice.

He doesn't like having to share the space with others in an already upset mood.

"I was having a cup of tea before the meeting started, Your Majesty."

The passenger was Perez.

"I don't want to see the faces of the aristocrats filling the meeting room."

As Perez said, the annoying wrinkles on Yovanes' face spread a little.

"I don't think it's the time for a young Prince to think like that already."

Yovanes pretended to be decent, but he was thinking the same thing as Perez.

That was the reason why he was bottoming out before the conference.

Originally, Yovanes, who was thinking of sitting apart from Perez, sat in front of the Second Prince, pretending to be good-natured.

"I made a mistake out of frustration, Your Majesty."

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