Side Story 54

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He just took a few steps into the space.

Lulac's presence filled the office.

It was an inaccessible energy that ordinary people would be intimidated by.

"Has the Patriarch come?"

"Well, that's true."

The staff at the top of Lombardi muttered to each other in suffocating voices.

Although working at the top of the Lombardi family, it was not common to face the family member in person.

But what about Lulac Lombardi, the head of the family?

While the Patriarch came in, they quickly stepped back to clear the way for Gallahan to reach him, there was an uncontrollable tension and excitement on the side of glancing at Lulac Lombardi.


Gallahan bowed his head along with the people.

"What brings you here?"

"I stopped by for a while on my way back from the imperial palace."

Lulac Lombardi answered Gallahan's question with eloquence.

However, the Patriarch of Lombardi was too busy as for them to believe that word.

Even if the top owner visited Lombardi's mansion because the Lombardi's top case needed approval, he had to wait a few hours to enter the office.

Moreover, it was even rarer for the Patriarch to visit the top office directly.

Even if the Patriarch wanted to do that, he didn't have time because of the busy schedule.

Recalling that point, Romassie Dillard took turns looking at Lulac and Gallahan, who stood next to him, and naturally intervened in the conversation between the father and son.

"Welcome, my Lord. And the Patriarch is right, Gallahan. Thank you so much, we got through the big crisis."

At the words of the top owner, each of the employees nodded their heads.

Then, unable to say no any more, Gallahan's face turned slightly red as he nodded reluctantly.

But that too for a while.

"Good job, Gallahan."

At the encouraging words of his father, the pleasant redness disappeared as if washed away, leaving only his face hardened in surprise.

Rather than compliments, he was used to scolding, and rather than saying 'good job' as it's now, he was used to the disappointing appearance. (TN: Right? For the type of personality like Gallahan's, too much pressure will discourage him.)

Gallahan didn't reply, but bowed his head once more.

"You should be rewarded for your achievements."

Everyone's ears perked up at Lulac's muttering words.

What is the award given by the head of the great Lombardi family?

While each of them spread their imaginary wings, Lulac continued.

"It would be enough if you accompany me to the Crown Prince's wedding."

It's not a gold bar or a lot of money, but a prize to accompany a wedding?

Several tilted their heads.

However, those who knew the value, like Romassie Dillard, opened his eyes wide in surprise.

After the death of his spouse, Natalia Lombardi, Lulac had never personally taken his family to an official event.

In general, this was different from the way the head of an aristocratic family accompanied a person who had been designated as the successor, teaching work naturally, and creating connections.

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