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(Florentia's POV)

I thought I heard a whistling sound.

The sound of people's eyes, who were focused on me, all at once headed towards Chanton Sushou.

"Well, what..."

Duigi Angenas puffed his lips.

Then I suddenly laughed.

"What load of nonsense. No, it's not, Lord Sushou..."

Suzhou was looking at me now with slightly bigger eyes.

He looked surprised.

I grinned at Chanton Sushou.

Anyhow, you must have been surprised.

Because it was a secret work that only Perez and him knew.

Deliberately pretending to be in a bad relationship.

I turned my head and looked at Perez.


Perez's reaction was not much different from the Patriarch of Sushou.

I took off my back from the chair I was sitting on and seemed to get up anytime soon.

"Patriarch of Sushou..."

Duigi called Chanton Sushou in a trembling voice as if he had witnessed the scene of his lover having an affair.

"Well, what are you talking about right now, Lord Sushou?"

However, Chanton Sushou did not even look at the Patriarch of Angenas.

Still looking at me with shaking eyes.

"Please speak, Lord Sushou."

"....the Deputy Patriarch of Lombardi is right."

Chanton Sushou's thick voice rang low in the conference hall.

And slowly, he got up from his seat.

It was only after Sushou began to walk that I realized the sound of the unusually heavy footsteps coming from his shoes.

The shoes worn by Chanton Sushou, who is wearing colorful and expensive clothes on the outside, are rugged boots worn by the Imperial Knights.

After getting out of the seat, Sushou stood in front of the Patriarch of Brown standing on the podium.

And the continued actions of Chanton Sushou made a sound of deception everywhere.

"Lambrew Empire's 41st Imperial Knight Commander Chanton Sushou meets the Patriarch of Brown."

His existence itself was like a ferocious weapon and he bowed his head politely.

Then the hand with a clenched fist was brought to his chest.

It was a salute used by active duty knights to express their utmost respect.

Now, as if he had forgotten all of his knighthood, it was Chanton Sushou, who thoroughly acted as a householder of Sushou.

"It is an honor to be able to repay the grace received by the Brown family as a person who was born in the Empire and held the sword."

"Thank you..." Brown said in a trembling voice.

Once again, Chanton Sushou, who greeted him briefly, took out some well-organized documents from his arms.

"Please take a look at his, Chairman Killian."

It was a meeting full of unexpected situations like a storm.

Chairman Killian, who had been absent-minded for a while, quickly came to his senses and asked.

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