Side Story 49

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"Excuse me? Gallahan?"

Shan waved her hand in front of Gallahan, who was standing tall.

Only then did the focus return on his bright green eyes.

"Ah yes. I have just arrived."

"Really? That's a relief. Shall we go eat now?"

"Aren't we going to eat here?"

Gallahan tilted his head.

They met at a restaurant around lunchtime, and he couldn't understand why she wanted to go somewhere else.

As far as he knows, this 'Blue Wave' was a restaurant with its own name.

But Shan was determined.

"There's a good restaurant that I looked at separately. Let's go there."


Gallahan hesitated, glancing at the owner of the 'Blue Wave' who was still busy.

But for a while.

When Shan tugged on the hem of his clothes, Gallahan began to follow her.

The place where they arrived was an alley quite far from the downtown area.

A small restaurant was opening alone in the alley full of only houses.

At a glance, the shabby restaurant that seemed to have been settled there for a long time was surprisingly crowded as much as the 'Blue Wave'.

"Oh, I'm hungry. Let's go in now!"

Shan, who had been holding Gallahan's sleeve while coming here, released her hand, said that, and went inside first.

Gallahan, who had been glancing down at the hem that Shan was holding a while ago, looked around only then.

'Is there a place like this in Lombardi?'

It was Gallahan, who had been wandering around the city of Lombardi in the front yard since he was old enough to get out of the mansion.

So he thought he knew everything about the city.

Arriving around a small alley, it was the first time even he had been here.

Is it because of the delicious smell coming out from the inside, or because of the fact that he has discovered a new side of Lombardi?

Gallahan also entered with a little excitement.

"Here it is, Gallahan!"

Shan, who took a seat by the window, waved at him.

"I ordered the food in advance. When I come here, I have to eat the stew."

It was difficult to look straight at Shan's smiling face, so Gallahan fixed his gaze somewhere on the table and nodded.

"Have you ever been here?"

"No, I've never been to this alley before."


Shan said without hiding her joy.

"I did some research to find a really good restaurant. In fact, the 'Blue Wave' food is really good, but I don't want to spend time at work until my days off."

"Where do you work...?"

"Oh, I didn't tell you. I work in 'Blue Wave'. I slept there, too! In fact, it's been a while since I came to Lombardi, so I don't really have a place to stay."

While saying so, the two eyes looking at the food that came out first on the table next to them sparkled beautifully.

"And since it's my first meal with my friend, I can't take him anywhere, right?"

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