Side Story 56

363 3 0

Shan and Gallahan held hands and entered the house.

The cute kitchen and living room that can be seen at a glance greeted the two of them.

Since it was a new house, the morning sun was filling the empty space without any significant items.

Gallahan, who was watching Shan's gaze all over the house, spoke in a slightly impatient voice.

"Is it a bit narrow? Then there is a villa on the outskirts..."

"No, I love this house, Gallahan."

"Thank God..."

Gallahan swept away his chest.

"I don't have a lot of stuff to prepare in a hurry. So, from now on, please fill it with things that Shan likes..."

As he barely said those words, Gallahan blushed again as his heart fluttered again.

"Originally, I didn't intend to give out the house key like this out of nowhere. I was planning to propose properly after preparing well so that Shan would not be uncomfortable... Oh!"

Recalling something he had forgotten while he was speaking, Gallahan began frantically searching through the bag he had left on the floor.

It must have been put here.

A small, soft box was caught in his hurried fingertips.

"I found it."

"What's that?"

"It's nothing special but..."

What came out of the box was a thin gold ring studded with purple gems.

Gallahan slowly put it on Shan's fourth finger.

The ring fits perfectly, neither too big nor too small.


Shan, who never expected to receive the ring, gleamed like a child.

Seeing that, Gallahan rubbed the top of the ring silently.

"Next time, I'll buy you a prettier ring, Shan."

When he saw Shan received the gift and she liked it, he became greedy.

He wanted to give more of something better.

"No matter what kind of ring Gallahan gives me in the future, I'll cherish this ring the most."

Shan shook her head and said.

"The nervousness when Gallahan proposed to me, and the warmth when I first entered this house. Every time I see this ring, I'll think of it."

Shan looked around the inside of the house once more.

And her gaze stayed long on the armchair by the window.

"The first day I came to this house was in this ring."


With a small call, a gentle hand turned her head.

Before she could even realize that she was in Gallahan's arms, her lips touched.

It came up suddenly and it was surprisingly hot.

After touching it thoroughly, giving it a little gap, and then digging into it.


Like a fire spreading through dry grass, Shan exhaled a heavy breath from the heat that had transferred to her in an instant, but Gallahan took it all away.

A strong arm greedily wrapped her arms around her, who was trembling for a short time as her legs lost strength.

A little more, a little bit more.

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