Side Story 39

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“It’s amazing, right?”

I heard that the birth of the first child is usually difficult to notice.

But with such a brave kick, we can’t get over it without knowing it.

“I guess she wanted to tell her dad and mom. ‘I’m here, and I’m healthy.'”

After stroking my swollen belly several times over and over again, Perez barely opened his mouth.

“…Yes. I think she’s very brave and healthy.”

A relieved smile spread like paint around his lips.

It was a face that made my heart feel at ease just looking at it.

Perez slowly came closer to me.

And gently kissed my stomach.

It was a place where the child moved vigorously a while ago.

“Hello, baby.”

In the meantime, he massaged or stroked my stomach.

However, it was the first time he talked to her directly like this.

The sight of smiling and talking to the child on my stomach touched my heart.

“Can you hear your dad’s voice?”

Then, strangely, the child tapped her foot again.

“I guess it means she’s listening. Hurry up and tell her more.”

At my urging, Perez put his mouth closer and whispered.


Tuk tuk.


Tuk tuk.

“Let’s stay well in there and meet. Don’t make your mom suffer too much, okay?”

…Tuk tuk.

“What’s that? Perez, is that the first thing you want to say to your child?”

“It was the most important thing to me.”

Perez answered quite seriously.

“Okay, okay.”

I stroked Perez’s black hair as if it were messy.

“But I don’t think you have to worry much about me.”


“Look at me now, too. I’m working hard so that you don’t feel too anxious.”

It wasn’t empty words.

My mind, which had been cluttered a while ago, has been refreshed as if it had been washed away by my mother’s diary and the birth of my child.

“Let’s not be anxious. Me and you too.”

I made eye contact with Perez and asked him.

“So, sleep tight at night, Perez.”

“Did you… know that?”

He laughed bitterly.

“You wake up in the middle of the night and sat there staring blankly at me, then stroking my stomach a few times before going back to sleep. You think I don’t know that?”

In the early stages of pregnancy, I did not notice, but it was repeated every day after entering the middle stage and when my stomach started to swell.

If left alone, the closer the birth date approaches, the more anxious Perez will become.

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