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After the conference.

Duigi Angenas and Ethan Klaus returned to Empress Lavigne's palace.


The sound of Duigi's legs falling down into the chair was loud.

"It's all....over."

Duigi muttered, squeezing his head.

In addition to being deprived of the territory of Angenas, he was eventually deprived of his position as the Western representative.

"It's a perfect play."

Duigi was still dazed.

"Commerce Pellet....The Pellet Corporation...

Should I be angry or afraid?

I didn't even have a clue.

"The Deputy Patriarch of Lombardi is the owner of the Pellet Corporation....Huh, by the way."

He even laughed out of nowhere.

"In that case, from the first time Claryvan Pellet came to lend money, no, from the state of Sushou....No, that's not it either."

Duigi shook his head.

The reason they needed the Patriarch of Sushou was because the Western development project failed, and the reason that the project failed.....Duigi Angenas covered his mouth with both hands.

"Where the hell did you start-----."


Standing on the back of the sofa, Empress Lavigne called her younger brother coldly.

"Shut up."

The Empress, who shed sad tears while holding the Emperor's sleeve in the assembly room, was nowhere to be found.

Her complexion was white, but a flame still remained in her eyes.

Lavigne curled up her hand with rotten fish eyes, wanting to tear Duigi's mouth to stop it's chattering.

The leather of the chair made a horrifying noise as Lavigne scratched her nails.

"Yovanes, that cowardly man."

It didn't matter when the lowly Second Prince and Florentia Lombardi began to work together.

In the end, it was Yovanes who put a knife in the back of Angenas.

From the day he became engaged to Lavigne, Yovanes had never been a decent spouse for a single moment.

He was constantly weighing on Angenas and was only called to worship him, and then he would coveted new women.

Perez was the only illegitimate child that Lavigne missed out on among the many seeds of infidelity.

And that mistake was now strangling Lavigne.

"I should have killed him when he was in his mother's womb."

Lavigne muttered coldly.

"Now, isn't it something we have to talk about well?"


"The Second Prince, if we apologize well for what you've done in the past, isn't there a possibility that he might leave us alone?"

Duigi said with a blank eye.

"Or, if you call for Florentia Lombardi and try to get along with her...?"

Then he nodded his head as if he liked his own idea.

"Even if you kneel down and pray for three days and nights, do you think the Second Prince will leave Angenas alone?"

IBTMITLOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora