Side Story 2

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As our eyes met, Chanton Sushou stood up, and he raised his head toward me and laughed.

It was an attitude that was likely to receive a loss or heat, but I'm not the one who will be provoked by that degree of provocation.

What do you think people are?

I held on to my expressionless face and looked at Chanton Sushou still.

"I knew this would happen."

In the process of raising Perez to the throne, Chanton Sushou and I were on the same side.

I, who helped Ivan in the North and opened the trade route for the East Luman, and Chanton Sushou, who dried up the Empress' money and took the land of Angenas.

However, after defeating the common enemy and achieving the goal, the cooperation was over.

Chanton Sushou's actions continued as I had expected in front of the vassal families, before inheriting over the household from my grandfather.

It was said that it was to destroy Angenas, but too much of the Sushou's grain was loosened throughout the empire.

The long-lasting harvest in the South, and the eastern and western regions that suffered in the coming years.

Naturally, the Empire's dependence on the grain of the Sushou' farming, especially wheat, became too high.

Chanton Sushou took advantage of that point without hesitation.

Gradually, the price of the grains of the Sushou' farming began to rise.

Naturally, many families in need of wheat began to take notice of Chanton Sushou, and a power centered around Sushou was rapidly established.

As a result.

"It's the Patriarch of Luman."

"I heard that he arrived from the East yesterday. I guess he has attended the conference without taking a break."

Avinox's father, Indit Luman, sat in the right chair of Chanton Sushou, which had been empty all along.

Seeing that, the nobleman near me smirked.

"Huh, ungrateful fellow."

"How much did Lombardi's householder give to Luman's convenience? But he's stuck next to Sushou like that."

The grumbling of the pro-Lombardi nobles brought laughter to my ears.

A year and a half ago, the Luman family in the East was Lombardi's closest ally.

Because the eastern trade and cruise travel that I promoted saved the entire eastern part, which was isolated.

Even Larane was engaged to Avinox, the son of the Patriarch of Luman.

Today, however, the Patriarch of Luman was one of Chanton Sushou's close associates.

"Where will your eternal friend be in this political world?"

"You're here, the Patriarch of Ivan."

Northern Migente Ivan, who had been struck in the a carriage with me, put down his cane and said.

It is inevitable to use it because of an injured leg in the carriage accident, but I guess who is the northern part of the Patriarch of Ivan, famous for underground minerals.

There were several thick jewels embedded in the cane.

"Our northern part of the country is self-sufficient and resource-rich, so we don't have to be wary of Sushou. But the East is not the case."

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