Side Story 8

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It turned out to be the opposite of what was in the carriage a while ago.

I was embarrassed, and on the contrary, Perez grinned leisurely with an attitude that seemed to enjoy the situation.

I felt emotional at the moment, so I turned around and looked around the room again.

But that doesn't mean the bed that didn't exist would suddenly appeared.

I can't live, Violet!

It was Violet who took care of the transportation and accommodation for this journey.

'No matter how much the camouflage is for a newlywed couple!'

What do you mean one bed?

When I was younger, there were times when I fell asleep in the same bed as Perez.

Because I'm in a completely different position now.

".......okay. To blame someone."

It's all my fault.

To Violet, who asked how to prepare fake ID, I told her in my mouth, 'I'd like a newly married couples.'

Then, of course, she should have thought that the accommodation would be prepared for the newlyweds.

It was when I sighed like that.

"Shall I go in."

Perez gently lifted his bags with both his hands, and then strided into the room.

There was no hesitation.

"......I hate you."

I was forced to follow Perez and muttered toward his back.

The room was quite spacious, although it was not remarkably colorful or beautiful, it was pleasant and satisfying.

I nodded a little and tried not to look toward the bed as much as possible.

However, where did his meaningful attitude a while ago was going? Perez' face with a slight frown came into my eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"The accommodation... is it okay, Tia?"

"Are you afraid I won't like the room?"

"Because this is a place most commonly used by commoners."

"We can't help it because our camouflage status is a commoner couple who are traveling to the east for honeymooners."

I said, pressing my finger on Perez's wrinkled forehead.

"How picky do you think I am?"

Then Perez answered, gently holding my hand.

"But Tia, you've never slept in a place like this before."

Now I know what Perez is worried about.

Perez knows I've never been out of Lombardi's mansion.

At best, he would think that it was only the experience of going to the north for Ivan's work.

"I do not care. And this is great."

Compared to the shabby house I rented in my previous life, this room is nothing short of a palace.

"Are you okay with that, Perez?"

He is also the emperor.

"When I was in the Academy, I was often homeless while traveling."

Perez said so, and swept my hair down slightly.

When the conversation was over, the atmosphere became awkward in no time.

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