Side Story 50

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"Oh, father."

The excitement that had fluctuated just a moment ago was gone, and Gallahan's face hardened.

He was just standing with his hands on his back, but the energy that Lulac Lombardi naturally emitted suppressed the surroundings.

A few years ago, after a long struggle for succession, Lulac, who inherited Lombardi's householder, was regarded as having seized power more meticulously than any other householder of the past.

Gallahan, who was a teenager at the time, vividly remembered the political strife in the family that took place just before the succession of the householder position.

And how perfectly his father, Lulac Lombardi, had ridden his rival brothers.

Gallahan, who paused breathing for a moment as he recalled the memory of that time, barely answered, bowing his head.

"I went to get some fresh air."

"Until now?"

"I, I lost track of time while walking in a place with a nice view."

He was not old enough to be reprimanded for being late to go home, but Gallahan swallowed dry saliva at Lulac's stinging gaze.


"Yes, father."

"It's good to enjoy a moment of freedom among the citizens of Lombardi."


Only then did Gallahan remember that he was wearing shabby, commoner's attire.

A stream of cold sweat seemed to flow down his back.

"As a member of Lombardi, it is important to know their lives well and to have affection for them. But."

Lulac put a heavy hand on Gallahan's shoulder.

"You need to know how to distinguish between what you want to rule and what you have in your heart."

You know everything.

Gallahan looked up his head and faced his father.

Brown eyes, which seemed normal at first glance, had an irresistible power.

"I believe that you, Gallahan, will behave well on your own."

Behave yourself.

Realizing the meaning of the words, Gallahan hurriedly tried to protest.

"But father..."

But a large hand gripped his shoulder again.

It meant that he would not talk about this anymore.

In the end, Lulac, who saw Gallahan's mouth close again, said with a half-satisfied smile.

"I have something to give you, so follow me."

The back of his father, who turned around first and walked away, looked so huge.

To the point where he can't go against it.

Gallahan eventually followed Lulac into the patriarch office.

Perhaps the work had not been completed yet, and documents were piled up here and there in the brightly lit office.

Lulac, who was accustomed to passing through them, sat down, opened the drawer and took out a fairly thick stack of papers.

"What's this?"

Gallahan asked as Lulac handed it over to him.

"This is a brief summary of the recent work at the top of Lombardi. If you read carefully, you will get a sense of how the top is operating."

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