Side Story 27

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What does this mean?

I looked at Estira blankly, wondering if it was a joke, but there was not a single smile on her face.

Yeah, she's not the one to joke about this.



"I have checked several times, Matriarch."

"Then I really had a child. It is."

I was stunned.

I couldn't believe it.

But before I knew it, my hand was carefully covering my stomach.

It's a natural thing to say, but it's still a flat stomach with no changes.

No, I haven't been able to eat properly these days, so I've gotten thinner.

But there's a child in here.

It was strange.

I felt like I could only describe as strange.

I asked with my hands on my stomach.

"How old is it, Estira?"

"It's been about eight weeks."

"Eight weeks?!"

Eight weeks is almost two months.

It means that I has had another life in my body for two months.

I really didn't even notice this much.

"It is common, Matriarch. Usually, in the very early stages of pregnancy, there are not many changes in the body, so it often passes without realizing it."

"But still..."

"You may experience mild abdominal pain, loss of appetite, indigestion, headache, and fatigue, but these can all be taken as symptoms of overwork or stress."

These were all symptoms I was experiencing.

"So what I'm going through right now is sickness...?"

"It looks like that."

"Then will it get worse in the future? Even when I smell food, I'll cover my mouth and get sick?"

"I cannot give you a definitive answer because there are individual differences, but there are many cases like that."

Ha. (Sigh)

It's painful just thinking about it.

I'm still struggling like this, but it's going to get worse in the future?

"Then, when will the morning sickness go away?"

"It also individual differences. It usually disappears around 20 weeks, but in severe cases it can lasts until childbirth."

Did I hear it wrong?

Before childbirth?

Can a person live with morning sickness for so long?

Seeing that my complexion was rapidly deteriorating, Estira added quickly.

"There are medications that can help with morning sickness. I will prepare it right away."

"If I take that medicine, will I feel refreshed? I keep getting sleepy."

"It happens when the fetus settles down, so it can't be solved with medicine. You need to take a rest..."

Estira, who knows me well, blurred the end of her speech.

If I'm told to take medicine, I'll take it, and if I'm forced to eat, I'll try it.

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