Chapter Two

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Ten Days Before The Incident

Zayn was currently sitting on the floor in the living room, Matthew laid out on the couch asleep. Zayn rested his chin on his knees, trying not to make any noise because he didn't want to upset and awaken his boyfriend. Zayn shifted, accidentally bumping into the couch. He froze as Matthew stirred in his sleep, letting out the breath he was holding in once he realized Matthew wasn't waking up.
Quietly Zayn stood up and began walking out of the living room. He figured if Matthew was napping on the couch, he could go take a nap in the bedroom.

Which Zayn realized was the wrong thing to do. Apparently if Matthew is napping, Zayn is supposed to just sit there and wait for him to wake up.

"Why are you such a lazy bitch!" Matthew yelled as he stormed into the bedroom, ripping the covers off of Zayn.

"Huh, wha,"Zayn jumped upright in bed, startled.

"Do you think you can just lay around in bed all day and be lazy?" Matthew threw his hand out and latched onto the hair on top of Zayn's head. Pulling the younger lad out of bed and throwing him onto the floor.

Instinctually Zayn curled in on himself and started repeating over and over again, "I'm sorry."

"Get your ass up and go make me dinner. Like a good little bitch." Matthew towered over Zayn as he spoke, spit flying out of his mouth at each word landing on Zayn. With that he left the room while Zayn stayed curled up in a ball.

Once Zayn was certain Matthew wasn't going to come back, he got up wiping the side of his face off before going into the kitchen.

"Do you want anything specific Matt?" Zayn called out after he washed his hands.

"I don't care, just don't fuck it up."

That's not helpful, Zayn thought as he walked into the pantry. Zayn looked through all of the shelves of the pantry, not finding anything that he could easily make. He went to go look in the fridge and freezer, realizing Matthew needed to do grocery shopping.

Zayn slowly walked into the living room, hoping Matthew won't get pissed off at him.

"Hey uh babe," Zayn said softly as he stood in the doorway of the living room.


"There's nothing for me to cook. Do you think you could order something?" Zayn quietly asked.

"Are you always this fucking dumb? Can't even make a simple meal, always have to complicate everything." Matthew didn't raise his voice, he just spoke in a harsh tone. That's how Zayn knew he was in for a long night.

"I'm sorry Matt. I'll make sure to go grocery shopping tomorrow."

"No you won't," Matthew said as he stood up and began walking towards Zayn.

"Wha-what do you mean?" Zayn started walking backwards as Matthew began stalking towards him.

"Go ahead, order whatever you want. I'll be back later." Matthew ignored Zayn's question. He wanted Zayn to worry.
Matthew handed Zayn the bank card and kissed the top of his head before walking off to their bedroom.

"Do you want me to order you anything?" Zayn was stunned. Matthew rarely behaved like this.

"No thank you baby." Matthew said over his shoulder.

Zayn stood there for a second, completely stunned at how his boyfriend was acting. Knowing its unusual for him to be all nice.
Zayn quickly ordered dinner for himself and Matthew, even though he didn't want anything Zayn didn't want him getting mad later when there was nothing in the house for him to eat. He handed Matthew the card back when his boyfriend reentered the hallway from the bedroom.

"I'll be back later tonight baby," Matthew said as he grabbed his car and house keys and left, to go who knows where.

"Uh okay."
Zayn didn't know what to do. On one hand he was happy that Matthew was being nice, but on the other hand he was suspicious of how Matthew was acting. He didn't want to be ungrateful with how Matt was, but he also didn't want to be too appreciative. He has witnessed how quick Matthew's moods change.

A few hours later Zayn awoke to the sound of keys hitting the countertop. He could smell the alcohol rolling off of Matthew, almost as if he took a bath in it.

"Hey baby, you're awake," Matthew slurred, using the counter to steady himself.

"Let's get you into bed Matt," Zayn said as he stood up and began walking towards his boyfriend.

Zayn stood infront of Matthew, he couldn't really do much with his small frame. A five foot tall Zayn could easily get crushed by the six foot three tall Matthew, so Zayn just helped guide Matthew to their bedroom.

"Y'know I love you right." Matthew slowly started walking to their bedroom, Zayn next to him.

"Yes, I know Matt," Zayn softly responded.

"Do you love me?" Matthew asked as he stopped in the doorway of the bedroom.

"Of course I do baby."

"How come you don't act like it?" Matthew growled as he grabbed Zayn by the throat.

"What do you mean." Zayn's eyes went wide as he felt pressure being applied to the hand around his throat.

"You always cause problems and make me act like this. This is all because of you." Matthew continued applying pressure to Zayn's throat, watching him as he began struggling to breathe.

Zayn brought his hands up, to try and claw Matthew's one hand off of his throat. Matthew had a devilish smirk on his face, thoroughly enjoying this.

"Get on your knees bitch," Matthew demanded as he let go of Zayn's throat.

Zayn fell to his knees sputtering and gasping for air. He placed one of his hands on the floor for stability, while he had the other clutched to his chest. Trying to breathe properly.

"Stop being dramatic and get on your knees." Matthew began undoing his belt buckle as he spoke.

Terrified Zayn moved so he was on his knees, his ass resting on his ankles as he looked up at his boyfriend.

"If you bite me I will kill you," Matthew threatened as he forced himself into Zayn's mouth.

Zayn couldn't maintain eye contact with Matthew while he was being assaulted, so he closed his eyes and envisioned a much happier place.
It didn't take long for Zayn to feel his boyfriend releasing in his mouth. Zayn retching and gagging as soon as the taste permeated his tongue, he spit it out right as Matthew pulled out of his mouth.

This angered Matthew, he quickly put himself away before harshly pushing Zayn. "You're still a stupid fucking bitch." Matthew landed a kick to Zayn's stomach before leaning down and grabbing the back of Zayn's head.
"How dare you make a mess on my fucking floor, you whore. Let me guess you don't want your other boyfriend to taste me on your tongue?" Matthew accused before slapping Zayn across the face.

Zayn stayed quiet, knowing if he tried to defend himself it would just make Matthew angrier. He didn't want that, he just wanted Matthew to go to bed and leave him alone.
Shortly thereafter when Matthew was finally done kicking and slapping Zayn he left him on the floor and went into the bedroom. Slamming the door behind him.
Zayn laid on the floor silently crying, wondering where did he go wrong to make Matthew act like this.


Haii there!!!

Quick little note, I went back over my timeline and realized I made an error in Louis' age. I have fixed it though. I had it as him being 23, but that wouldn't work with what I have already established so it's been changed to 21. Which makes more sense.


Hope you guys liked this chapter.

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Love all of you


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