Chapter Nine

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Zayn used the lawyers phone to make the call, instead of his own.

"Detective Styles, Harry speaking how may I help you?" The four adults heard over the speaker of the phone.

"He-hey Harry, it's Zayn. Can we meet somewhere and talk?"

"Of course meet me at the office." Zayn was given the address, his lawyer writing it down. Before hanging up.

"You ready to go?" Zayn's lawyer asked as he stood up

"Not really. But let's get this over with," Zayn said while standing up as well. 

The drive over to the detectives office was silent, Zayn dreading even wanting to talk with the detective. He feels like this is going to go wrong.


Liam and Harry were in the middle of looking at the pictures that were on Louis' phone, when Harry's phone rang. He excused himself to the other room so he could answer it. Not expecting Zayn to be on the other line. He gave Zayn the address to his office downtown, before looping in his partner. The two of them left Louis' house, quickly driving to their office.

"Do you think he's going to confess?" Payne asked as they sped down the road.

"What is he going to confess to?"

"Murder, obviously."

"That was self defense and you know it."

"Oh so now you work for the defense?" Liam looked at Harry like he had three heads.

"I don't work for anyone. Did you not look at the same pictures and audio as me?"

"They could be fake."

"Are you serious? Why would Zayn send Louis fake pictures of bruises and an audio of some random being attacked and threatened?"

"You don't know the kid at all. We have had two people tell us that he is an abusive person. And you don't care. You met him once and you act like you've known him your whole life." Liam got out of the vehicle slamming the door shut behind him.

"Childish," Harry mumbled as he turned the car off and quietly exited the vehicle.

The two detectives walked into the office building, being met by Zayn and his lawyer.

"Follow me please," Harry said as he walked past the men and towards a interrogation room. He held open the door as Zayn, his lawyer, and Liam all walked in.

Zayn sat on the chair that was closer to the wall, while his lawyer sat down on a chair that was situated in the corner of the room. The two detectives sat in chairs across from Zayn, a table between them.

"As you probably already saw on the card I gave you. I am a detective for the homicide unit, this is my partner Liam. We do have some questions for you. And would also like to get your side of the story of what happened between you and the victim Matthew," Harry explained gently.

"He wasn't a victim," Zayn said quietly.

"We have other people and a body in the morgue that says otherwise," Liam harshly spoke.

Zayn looked over at his lawyer, who just nodded his head. So Zayn looked back at the detectives, brought his phone out and took his hoody off. To show the marks and bruises he had on his arms, not to mention his black and blue eye that was clearly visible along with a busted lip. Zayn turned his phone on and swiped through the pictures he took, laying the phone on the table so the detectives could see. When he got to the audio, he turned his volume all the way up and then pressed play. He sat back as he heard Matthew threatening him again, and him begging Matthew to let him leave and not to touch him. He could almost feel himself being thrown at the wall again, when he heard the impact his body had made against the wall. He covered his ears and closed his eyes once he heard the gun go off. Reliving that moment all over again.

The detectives and lawyer sat there and watched Zayn as he curled himself up into a ball and screamed make it stop over and over again. The lawyer and Harry didn't know what to do, to stop Zayn from screaming. Whereas Liam jumped up and practically ran over to Zayn. He grabbed Zayn's wrists and pulled him into his chest. Whispering in Zayn's ear telling him he's safe, that nobody can hurt him again, he has nothing to worry about.
It took a few minutes of Liam's reassuring whispers for Zayn to calm down. and when he did, he melted into Liam's chest.

"Does he still sound like a victim to you?" Zayn whispered softly once he pulled away from the detective.

"I am so sorry for doubting you Zayn," Liam apologized.
"Based off of the evidence, I don't think the prosecutor is going to bring charges against Zayn," Liam informed Zayn's lawyer.

"They'd be dumb to try and bring charges against the victim. Especially with the evidence that is against the deceased," the lawyer stated.

"Can I say something?" Zayn asked.

"Go for it," Harry said.

"I don't know if you can do anything about it, but Matthew invited a friend over four days ago. A-and Matthew and his fri-friend assaulted me," Zayn choked up as he thought about what happened that night.

"Was it normal for Matthew to have someone help him hurt you?" Liam questioned.

"He accused me of liking threesomes so much so..." Zayn trailed off.

"Oh no honey, I'm so sorry," Harry said as he remembered what happened when Matthew saw him. And the argument that had occurred.

Liam looked confused for a second before realization hit him, then he looked like he wanted to bash someone's brains in.

"Who was Matthews friend?" Liam asked.

"Michael, uh Niall Horan's brother."

"I knew there was something off about them when we talked to them," Harry said as he turned toward his partner.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asked.
"Oh and you can go back to your seat detective, I'm fine thank you though."

Liam blushed as he got up and walked back to his seat. Styles noticed it and was going to relentlessly embarrass him about it later.

"We can't talk about it with you right now. Just know we will see what we can do about the Horan brothers," Liam promised.

"Okay, thank you. Can I leave now?"

"First can you text me those pictures you have on your phone and the audio, so we have something to show the prosecutor that proves you used self defense?" Liam asked as he handed Zayn his business card.

Zayn looked over at his lawyer, who just nodded at him before responding with a "sure thing."
Once Liam received the pictures and audio, Zayn was allowed to leave. Being told he'd find out in a couple days what the outcome would be.

Liam walked the lawyer and Zayn out, Zayn walking behind everyone.

"Go get some sleep if you can, you've had a rough thirty-six hours," Liam said as he held the door open for Zayn.

"Thank you Liam."

Zayn's lawyer brought Zayn back to his parents house, where he laid down on his old bed. Falling asleep almost immediately, he was exhausted.


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