Chapter Thirteen

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For the third time this week Zayn has found himself running to the nearest bathroom so he could vomit. He didn't really think anything of it, thinking it was from all of the stress he was under.

"So, we have a problem Zayn," Liam said as Zayn returned to the kitchen from the restroom.

"What's that?"

"I found these while on my walk this morning." Liam pulled out a poster that he saw plastered all over the windows of shops.

"How did they find out where we lived?" Zayn asked as he saw a picture of the house they are currently staying at on the piece of paper.

"I'm not sure. But as I told you previously we don't have anything to worry about."

"Says you. You didn't kill anyone," Zayn said as he walked away.

Liam decided it wasn't worth the stress or argument and just let Zayn walk away. He could repeat himself till he was blue in the face, but Zayn's way of thinking wouldn't change until he figured it out on his own.
Liam wasn't going to give up on him, he has to big of a heart for that. He wants the younger man to understand what happened and why it happened, but he can't force it.
The detective was currently formulating a plan with his cop buddies on how to get himself and Zayn out of the country safely. Granted they haven't been in France long, but since Zayn was getting increasingly stressed by the general public now knowing they were in the country. And now knowing where they are staying at. He figured it would be best if they left.

Liam continued speaking on the phone with his buddies for well over an hour before he went to check on Zayn. And inform him of the new plan. He knocked on the bedroom door, once Zayn said come in he opened said door and walked in.

"Is now an okay time to talk?" Liam asked as he stood in the threshold.

"Am I mean?" Zayn questioned as he looked up at the detective.

"No? I wouldn't say that you're mean. You're stressed given the situation that you are in. Why?"

"I feel like I'm being mean to you. even though you're just trying to help me out.  But anyways, what did you want to talk about?"

"Okay then," Liam said as he walked further into the room, to sit on the bed next to Zayn. "So I figured I'd give you a couple options. We can either leave the country again or we can begin to get your story out to whoever will listen. Which would you prefer?"

"I'm not ready to speak about it yet."

"Okay, we will leave tonight then. You will only need your important documents."

"They're over on the desk," Zayn said as he pointed to the neat pile of documents, right underneath his passport.

"Okay, let me know if you need anything, I'll be in the living room getting things prepared to leave." With that Liam got up, grabbed the pile off of the desk and went into the living room.

Later That Night

It was currently the middle of the night, a car was out front waiting for Zayn and Liam. Liam knew it'd be safer that they left in the middle of the night versus during the day, less people out and about.

"Where are we going?" Zayn asked as he and Liam started walking out the front door.

"You'll see when we get there sweet boy." Liam locked the front door, before placing his hand on Zayn's lower back to guide him to the awaiting vehicle.
The both of them got into the backseat, the bag Liam had was placed in between them.

"Airport Payno?"


The car ride for the most part was silent up until they got to a stop light, that took longer than normal to change.

"So are you the infamous murderer that Liam was telling everyone about?" The person driving turned around to ask Zayn.

"Yo!" Liam shouted. "Why would you ask that?"

"Am I wrong?"

"Most definitely. Turn around and focus on the road Ed," Liam said as he placed his hand on Zayn's knee.

Ed huffed as he turned to focus on the road infront of him.

"I told you," Zayn whispered.

"No. You will not listen to what he said."


"No," Liam patted the younger man's knee before letting his hand just sit there, his thumb occasionally rubbing against it.

Zayn stared out of the window, a small smile gracing his lips, for the duration of the car ride.

Once they arrived to the private airport, they were quickly brought onto the plane and then off to their destination.


Haii there!!!

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