Chapter Ten

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A week later Zayn was awoken in the middle of the night  by heavy knocks on the front door. He stayed with his parents since he wasn't allowed back at the apartment he shared with Matthew. Zayn jumped up from the couch, startled, as the pounding continued. He grabbed the gun his parents gave him, since his was taken by his lawyer to give to the cops, and slowly crept up to the front door.
He looked through the little peephole and realized it was detective Liam standing there. As soon as Zayn opened up the door, the detective walked in quickly closing the door behind him.

"How fast can you pack a bag?" Liam asked while staring at Zayn with wide eyes.

"Uh why?" Zayn placed the gun down on the table next to the front door.

"I just got word that the prosecutor plans on charging you with murder. So the quicker you get a bag packed, the quicker we can leave," Liam explained quickly.

"But it was self defense. You, my lawyer, Harry, everyone said it was self defense. Why would they want to charge me wi-" Zayn was rambling.

"Zayn. Bag."

"Right, well everything I own is still at the apartment besides the bag I packed when I left."

"Go grab it."

Zayn walked over to the closet where he had placed his bag and grabbed it out. Making sure everything was still in it. He also grabbed the few outfits his momma went out and bought him. She didn't want him to have to wear the same few outfits he had on hand.

"What about my parents and lawyer? My parents will think I'm missing, if I'm not here when they return from their trip."

"Leave them a note, just be vague about it. Do you have a passport?" Liam questioned as he grabbed Zayn's bag and the gun that was on the table.

"Yes." Zayn busied himself with writing his parents a quick little note, not fully grasping why the detective was panicking.

"Great. Alright, you ready to go?"

"I guess. I don't understand why though? Why the rush?" Zayn asked as he was ushered out of his parents house and into Liam's awaiting car.

"I'll explain all of it very soon," Liam said as he peeled out of the driveway.

"Or you could explain it now? Why would you help me run? You're a detective, isn't that like, I don't know, against the rules of being a detective. Plus, why would I run. It was self defense."

"How about instead, you tell me about yourself?" Liam suggested as his phone started to ring.

"Not un-"
Liam held his hand up to silence his passenger.

Zayn stared at Liam for a second before turning his head to the passenger side window, closing his eyes. He didn't pay much attention to the one sided conversation that was happening next to him, he was to into his own thoughts.
He didn't understand why the prosecuting office would want to charge him with any kind of crime. Did they not look at the same evidence as everyone else. It's not like he bruised or cut himself. He wonders if maybe Matthew's family had something to do with this happening. He didn't know much about his family, Matthew rarely mentioned them. From what little that he did know, he came from a rich family. But Matthew stayed away from his family, never called them and they never contacted him. So why would they push for charges to happen. None of it made sense in Zayn's brain.
Zayn was so far gone into his thoughts, he didn't realize the vehicle stopped. until he felt the breeze from the door being opened and his seatbelt being undone. He immediately went into fight mode, blindly smacking whoever was infront of him. 

"It's just me. Open your eyes sweet boy," Liam gently spoke while trying to dodge Zayn's hands.

It took a couple minutes of repeating the same thing for Zayn to finally open his eyes and realize he wasn't in any danger.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," Zayn apologized repeatedly, sounding like a broken record, while holding his arms up to shield his face.

"No, no, you're okay. Its okay Zayn. You're not in any danger. I was just trying to get you out of the car," Liam explained as he backed up so he wasn't in Zayn's space.

"Where are we?"

"Airport, I have a friend who is letting us fly on their private plane. So we don't have to worry about anyone recognizing you or myself."

"Where are we going?"

"Out of the country, I'm not sure where yet."

"Why are you doing this? You are risking your career and freedom, for me. Why?" Zayn questioned as he got out of the vehicle.

"Because I don't agree with the charges being brought against you. And I know other people that don't agree either. Plus threats were also made against your life by the Horan's when we tried to get charges brought against them. So I and a few others decided it was best if you left the country and had someone with you," Liam explained as he grabbed Zayn's bag.

Liam handed their items off to one of his friends who went to get them placed on the plane. Didn't have them checked because of the weapons Liam had.

"We need to go through security unfortunately. But since no one knows what's going on yet, you should be fine," Liam said as he led Zayn through the airport.

The two men quickly got through security and were led to the private plane. Liam deciding on a destination while walking onto the plane.

"How does France sound for now?" Liam asked.

"Okay." Zayn wasn't to enthused that he had to leave his family and friends but he kinda understood why, now.

"It won't be our for certain destination, it'll just be where we go to ensure we don't be extradited back to the states, okay?"

Zayn sat down in one of the seats, Liam choosing to sit right next to him after he told his friend where the destination was going to be.

"So tell me about yourself Zayn."


Haii there!!!

I want to thank Amazen-Ziam-Larry for helping me decide which direction to take for the book. Thank you ♥️ :)

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