Chapter Twenty-Six

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One week later Zayn was released from the hospital with follow up appointments scheduled. Specifically to get a ct scan done of his back, once he is healed from the C-section. The babies were still in the nicu, but showing little improvements with each passing day. Zayn and Liam were both in the nicu with the babies as often as possible. Talking to, interacting with, and finally being able to hold them. The both of them were doing skin to skin as much as they were allowed.
Majority of the nurses loved how hands on Zayn and Liam wanted to be. How eager they were to learn, how to be parents. Zayn pushed for Liam to learn just like himself. But there were two nurses in particular that, for some unknown reason, disliked both Liam and Zayn. And when they were both on the same shift, they refused to let Zayn or Liam do anything.

While Liam went to go park the vehicle, Zayn made his way into the hospital and towards the Labor and Delivery floor, where the nicu was located. As he was waiting to be buzzed onto the floor, the elevator dinged open and out came Liam. he immediately grabbed Zayn's hand. Once they were allowed onto the floor, they walked the short distance to the nicu, and waited.

"We're here to see the Malik twins," Zayn said into the phone once a nurse had picked up.

The two of them heard the doors unlock as Zayn put the phone back. Once they got into the nicu, the both of them washed their hands before going to the room the twins were in. When they got into the room, the babies nurse was in there getting their vitals.

"I was just about to start their feeds," the nurse said once she noticed Zayn and Liam in the room.

"How have they been since last night?" Zayn asked as he walked over to Mila.

"The pediatrician should be in shortly to tell you," the nurse responded before walking out to grab what she needed.

"Other nurses have had zero issues with telling us how the twins were over night, except for you and the other nurse who is always on the same shift as you. Why is that? We are well aware you get updates from the night nurses. So what is it that you don't want to tell us?" Zayn asked as soon as she returned into the room, with the formula for the babies.

"The pediatrician will be in shortly to tell you," the nurse repeated as she hooked the babies up to their feeds. "If you need anything, you know what to do," the nurse said as she walked out.

Zayn turned to look at Liam, who was staring at where the nurse was just standing.

"So do we demand the pediatrician come in now. Or do we sit and wait?" Zayn asked before turning his attention to his babies.

"No need, I am here," Dr. Edwards said as she made an appearance.

"How were the babies over night?" Zayn asked, not expecting an answer since the nurses are with the babies and not the pediatrician.

"Did nurse Cheryl not tell you?" Dr. Edwards asked, confused.

"No? Tell us what?"

"Did nurse Ellie speak with either of you?"

"No? Were they the babies night nurses also?" Liam questioned.

"Hold on a minute. The five of us need to step into my office. Follow me please," Dr. Edwards said as she turned on her heel and began walking off.

Zayn and Liam looked at each other before following behind the doctor. They silently watched as the doctor got the two nurses, before the five of them walked into the office. Doctor Edwards shutting the door behind everyone.

"What happened?" Liam demanded.

"You didn't call them when Mylo stopped breathing late last night?" Dr. Edwards asked the two nurses.

"What! Why did he stop breathing?" Zayn yelled.

"We didn't know if they'd be sleeping, we didn't want to bother them," nurse Cheryl said.

"Somebody is getting fired today," Liam said as he grabbed out his phone.

"Why did he stop breathing?!" Zayn repeated.

"We don't know why, it was for a split second. We obviously got him back," nurse Ellie spoke.

"Either the twins get transferred to a different hospital. Or these two are not in charge of them for the duration that they are here. I cannot trust either one of them with making sure my babies stay safe and alive." Zayn looked like he was ready to attack both of the nurses, but he knew that wouldn't do him any good.

"Who are you calling Liam?" Dr. Edwards asked.

"The director of the hospital. I was being serious about somebody losing their job. This is unacceptable. Deciding to not inform parents that their child stopped breathing because "you didn't want to bother them." is beyond unacceptable. And I'm not going to stand for it."

"They aren't your children," nurse Ellie and Cheryl mumbled at the same time.

"Excuse me!?!"

"What? Two men can't have babies. It's already weird enough that one so called man managed to have children. It's unnatural," Ellie spoke, Cheryl nodding alongside her like she was speaking some sort of Gospel.

"You motherf-" both Liam and the doctor had to hold Zayn back from lunging at the two nurses. "I guess the rumors are true. All high school mean girls become nurses but still keep that mean girl personality. Enjoy not having a job at any medical like facility. good luck even finding a janitor job, once people find out who you truly are."
"I want to see my twins and I want a damn good reason why I should keep them in this hospital. When these are the type of women you employ. How am I going to be able to trust the babies are going to be safe?" Zayn said as he fell into Liam's arms. Wrapping himself around his safe space.

"I demand a meeting with the director of the hospital," Liam demanded as he held onto Zayn.

"Well you already met him a couple of times, I'll see if he's available," Dr. Edwards said as she picked her phone up off of her desk.
Liam was about to speak with the director when he had to help keep Zayn from going at the two nurses, the call ended up getting dropped.

Around half an hour later, Ellie and Cheryl were being escorted off of the property, jobless. Liam and Zayn were being promised that they had nothing else to worry about, and that the only nurse that would take care of the babies. Was going to be nurse Jenny or Dr. Edwards herself. The hospital just didn't want to lose out on money. They were promised that if anything else were to happen, hopefully nothing would though, that they were to be called immediately.

"Can I hold both of them?" Zayn asked, as he went over in his head whether he wanted to put his babies through the stress of an ambulance ride to another hospital.

"Of course," Dr. Edwards responded. Both the pediatrician and Dr. Goodwin, who is also the director of the hospital, helped to get both babies on Zayn's chest. The twins immediately snuggling into him.


Haii there!!!

Couple of things:
1.) I do not agree with what the nurses spoken thoughts are. It is simply to fit in to the story.
2.) I have had a similar incident when my youngest was in the nicu. He stopped breathing at around 1 in the morning. And no one in the nicu called myself or his father because "they didn't know if we were sleeping or if we would answer." So there's that. We found out the following day, from the on call pediatrician.

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter.

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Thank you

Love all of you


FugitiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora