Chapter Twenty-One

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21 weeks pregnant

Zayn was in a good mood, he wasn't stressing, his anxiety wasn't too high. he was slightly anxious. but that was only because he was going to find out the genders of the babies today. But, he was also excited. For the first time in months, he was able to actually say that he was excited.
Since he wanted it to be a surprise, he covered his eyes during the part of the ultrasound where his ob found out the gender of the babies. Only uncovering them when he was given the okay to do so.

"Do you have names picked?" Hadid asked as she wiped the gel off of Zayn's stomach.

"I was actually wondering if I tell you the names I have picked, if you could write them down and place them in an envelope. instead of the traditional "it's a boy or girl."?" Zayn asked.

"Of course I would."

"Do you have a favorite name for either gender?" The ob asked as she wrote down the four names Zayn told her.

"The first two," Zayn responded.

The doctor smiled at Zayn before handing him a few of the ultrasound images that she had printed off. While he was busy looking at those, she got busy doing as he requested. And then handing him that envelope when she was all finished.

"I will call Liam in about four weeks to see when I can come for your next appointment. And remember at that appointment you will have to take the glucose test that we have briefly spoke about previously and I'll have to check your labs. Have a good rest of your day Zayn," Dr. Hadid informed as she took her equipment and walked out.

It took Zayn a minute to get up from laying down, but once he did. he made his way to the living room where everyone was waiting, envelope and pictures in hand. 

"Soooo, did you find out?" Louis asked as soon as he saw his best friend.

Zayn held the envelope up as his response, before handing the images of the babies to Liam.
"I figured we could all find out together. but later on tonight though."

The ultrasound was passed around between the three males before being handed back to Zayn. Who went to place it in this little memory book that he has, that's filled with all things baby. 

"How about we throw a small gender reveal party?" Louis suggested. 

Zayn looked over at Liam, who just shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Sure," Zayn responded as he walked over and sat himself in between Liam's legs.

"Comfy sweet boy?"


The two other men in the room smiled at the interaction they just witnessed, before Louis got up.

"Styles and I will be back in a little bit. Anything in particular that you want Zayn?" Louis asked.  

"No thank you." Zayn laid his head back on Liam's stomach so he could look up at the older man.

"Hello baby."

"Can we talk?" Zayn asked.

Liam looked up and saw that Louis and Harry were slowly making their way out the front door. Once they were gone he looked back down at Zayn.

"What would you like to talk about sweet boy?"

"Me and you."

"What about us?" Although it slightly annoyed Liam that the conversation was going slow. he knew whatever Zayn wanted to talk about had to be at Zayn's pace.

"I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I don't know how you feel about me. But I know how I feel about you. The butterflies that I get whenever I'm around you. The happiness I feel whenever you call me those cute little pet names. And before you try and tell me it's the hormones, I've felt this way before I found out I was pregnant. I just didn't say anything because I didn't want to seem weird, given the circumstances. Anyways, I was wondering, depending on how you feel, if you would like to be my boyfriend?"

Liam sat there stunned for a few seconds, as he processed everything he just heard.
"I feel the exact same way as you do baby. I have felt this way since before I helped you flee America. Partially why I helped you flee. Just like you, I didn't act on it because I wasn't sure if you had the same feelings towards me. And I didn't want to come off as creepy or as if I was taking advantage of your situation. To answer your question, I would love to be your boyfriend."

Zayn had the biggest smile on his face as he learned Liam felt the same way as himself. The smile grew even bigger when Liam said yes to being his boyfriend.
Zayn moved himself so he was sitting up and facing Liam.

"Can, can I kiss you?" Zayn shyly asked.

"If you are comfortable doing so, go right ahead babyboy," Liam responded, the smile never leaving his face.

Zayn began leaning in, Liam started to as well. the both of them meeting each other halfway. Just as their lips touched, they heard the front door being opened. The two of them ignored it, continuing to do what Zayn wanted.
The kiss was short, but sweet.

"I've been waiting forever to do that," Liam whispered against Zayn's lips before he pulled away.

As they pulled away from each other, Louis and Harry walked into the living room. Both of them taking immediate note of the smiles on Liam and Zayn's faces.

"I don't know what just happened, but I approve," Louis said as he walked to the kitchen. "Zayn follow me!" He yelled out once he was in the kitchen.

Zayn gave Liam a peck on the cheek before getting up and waddling into the kitchen.

Harry, who witnessed it, let out a fake cough before smirking at the other man.

"Don't start," Liam said as he stood up. Going to go into the kitchen.

"I didn't say anything."

The two men walked into the kitchen and watched as Louis put everything together, for this little gender reveal party. Zayn wanted to help, the only help Louis would allow is just his presence. He wasn't allowed to actually do anything.
Once everything was put together and ready, Zayn went to grab the envelope that held the names of the future babies.

"Since I didn't want just a traditional "it's a boy or girl", written. I had asked Dr. Hadid to write down the names that I had chosen for the babies as the way to reveal their gender. So I don't even know the gender either, this'll be a surprise for all of us," Zayn said before he opened the envelope.

Once the envelope was opened, Zayn placed the sheet of paper face down on the table. The four of them counting to three before he flipped it over.
The names, Mila Paige and Mylo Parker, written in pink and blue pen.


Haii there!!!

Quick question: Since I have quite a few drafts waiting to be uploaded for new stories. Would we like to read a little piece of each and then decide which one should be the next one I start on once I finish this one?
If we would like to see that, let me know and I'll include it in the authors note of the next chapter. Thank you :)

Now onto this chapter..

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