Chapter Seven

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Zayn sat at the base of the tree for a good fifteen minutes or so, just contemplating killing himself. In the end he decided that it wouldn't be fair of him, he didn't go through hell for three years just to end it all when he was free. He didn't risk his freedom just to take it all away again. He knew that he needed to keep going, he just had a moment of weakness.
Once Zayn was over his feeling of being weak, he got up, dusted himself off and started his walk again. He kept his hood up and tried his hardest to stay out of well lit areas. He didn't want to draw any type of attention to himself. 
A few silent hours later, Zayn recognized the area that he was in. His spirits slowly lifted as he continued the walk in the familiar area. Around an hour later, Zayn arrived at his destination.
Slowly walking up the steps, he knocked on the door, before stepping back.

Payne and Styles

"Who do we want to interview first?" Payne asked while looking at the list they had compiled.

"Let's go talk with Horan. He was apparently Matthew's best friend. Introduced him to Zayn."

"Let me guess you met him too?"

"You are correct."
The two detectives walked out to the vehicle, where Styles put Niall's address into the gps before starting to drive.

"Anything else you know about him?"

"Which him? There's plenty of them you could be talking about."


"He was quiet when I met him. Didn't talk much at all, when his friend talked to him he resorted to texting. Except for when we went into a store and got separated from Niall. Did he openly talk," Styles explained as he turned to enter into a parking garage.

"Do you know why he waited until Niall wasn't around to talk?"

"Are you interrogating me for a reason Payne?"
The two detectives stepped out of the car and began walking towards the entrance of the apartment building. Hearing a beep beep behind them as Styles locked the vehicle.

"Just trying to figure out who this Zayn character is," the blonde detective said as he began pressing random buttons, hoping for someone to buzz them in.

"You're asking the wrong person."
They heard the door unlatch, Styles pulling it open.

"Third floor right?"

"Yes, apartment 30a."

The two men made their way up three flights of stairs, the apartment they were looking for happened to be right across and slightly to the left from the stair doors. Payne pounded heavily on the door until the door was opened.

"Can I help you?"

"Hello, we are detectives with the homicide unit. I am detective Liam Payne and this is my par-" Styles was hidden behind Liam, until Liam moved a bit to introduce him.

"Harry." Niall looked at him in disbelief, cutting off the detective.

"May we come in Niall?" Harry asked as he came in full view.

"Uh yeah of course," Niall stepped aside so the two men could walk in. "Can I get you two anything? Coffee? Water?"

"Water is fine." Both men responded.

Niall went to grab two water bottles while the detectives walked into the living room.

"You said homicide unit? Who died? I hope it wasn't Matthew, Louis, or Michael," Niall said as he handed over the bottles.

"Thank you. And please have a seat." Liam motioned to the furniture he and Harry were standing in front of.

Niall slowly sat down on the couch, Harry sitting on the table infront of the couch and Liam standing behind him.

"So as my partner said, we are from the homicide unit. And tonight we are investigating a possible homicide of Matthew w-"

"I bet you Zayn did it," Niall cut Harry off.

"Why do you say that?" Liam questioned.

"Matthew would constantly tell myself and Michael about how abusive Zayn was. I never really liked Zayn, he was just weird. Nobody really knows who he was, was always quiet and shy whenever I did see him. But then Matthew would come over sporting scratch marks and some bruises, talking about how Zayn would beat him over little shit. Obviously Zayn wasn't who he portrayed himself to be."

"Who is Michael?" Harry asked, not believing a word Niall was saying.

"My brother."

"Where can we find him?"

"He's at work."

"Write down the address for us. Do you have any kind of inclination that Matthew could have been abusive to Zayn?" Harry handed Niall his notepad and pen to write down the address.

"Absolutely not. Matthew was a teddy bear," Niall said once he was done writing. He handed the notepad and pen back before looking up at both detectives. "There is no way in hell Matthew would've abused Zayn. Like I said Zayn was the abusive one."

"Alright. Thank you Niall for all of your information. If you think of anything else, give us a call," Liam said as he handed Niall his business card.

The two detectives walked out of the apartment and found there way back to their vehicle. Liam got into the drivers seat this time, going to drive to this Michael person's work.

Niall and Michael

As soon as the detectives left Niall got on his phone and called his older brother.

N: "dude homicide detectives were just here. They told me Matthew has been killed."

M: "no way. Did they say who killed him?"

N: "no, but I think I made them think Zayn did it. Made it seem like Zayn was the abusive one. Even though we both know it was all Matthew."

M: "you didn't tell them about what occurred between Matthew, Zayn, and I right?"

N: "of course not. The little bitch probably deserved it. But the detectives are on there way to you right now. So just act shocked when they tell you. And don't give out any revealing information. Make it seem like Zayn has been the problem."

M: "alright dude, thanks for the heads up."

Niall ended the call and threw his head back. Not believing that his best friend was murdered. Better hope the detectives get to Zayn before Michael or I do, Niall thought as he sat there in silence.


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