Chapter Twenty

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"Hey Zayn," Liam called out as he was sitting in the living room.

"Yeah?" Zayn responded, walking into the living room from the kitchen.

"Want to go outside for a bit?" Liam asked.

"Sure, just give me a second please." Zayn went back into the kitchen and returned with two plates. "I made you a sandwich," Zayn said as he handed one plate to the older man.

"Thank you sweet boy."

The two men, with their lunch, went out front to sit and enjoy the warm weather.

"So have you thought of baby names yet?" Liam questioned as they ate their lunch.

"I have. I spoke with Louis to get his opinions. But I'm waiting until I know the genders to tell anyone what I chose."

"Did I hear my name?" Louis popped out of nowhere, Styles right behind him.

Zayn sat there shocked for about a minute, hand holding his sandwich frozen in air as he was about to take a bite, before he dropped it and got up. slowly, although he is shocked he is still conscious of his body.
"Holy fucking shit! How did you get here?" Zayn asked as he pulled Louis into a hug.

"Well, baby, there are these things called private jets. They can get you from point a to point b, in the air. It's pretty cool," Louis said as he wrapped his arms around his best friend.

"Haha smartass, you're lucky I love you."

"I know."

"Ugh, I've missed you so much!" Zayn squeezed Louis tighter.

"I've missed you too. We have a lot to talk about."

Zayn grabbed Louis by the hand and dragged him into the house, his lunch being abandoned with Styles and Payne, and into the living room.

"How did you guys know where we are?" Zayn asked as the two of them sat on the couch.

"Payne gave Harry the address, secretly. And we flew here on Style's private jet. No one knows we are here," Louis responded.

"You sure?" Zayn wasn't necessarily skeptical of his best friend, but you can't be to sure when you're on the run.

"Yes Zayn."

Zayn and Louis spent hours sitting in the living room talking to each other. Liam and Harry giving them space, letting them catch each other up on their own lives.


It's been a few days since Louis and Harry have arrived and stayed with Liam and Zayn. Today Louis was going to start helping Zayn get his side of the story out there, anonymously. First they decided to stay local, they knew there was a BOLO out globally for both Zayn and Liam. So locally, to them, was a perfect place to start with and then figure out from there where they wanted to reach out to next.

"Will this work?" Zayn asked as Louis finalized everything.

"Let's hope so."

"What if this leads Niall and Michael here?"

"Looks like you'll get free target practice if they decide to be stupid enough to come here. Now why don't you go spend some time with Liam, while Harry and I go distribute these to the proper places," Louis said as he grabbed the pile of papers he just printed out.


Zayn walked out of the office, Louis right behind him. and walked to the living room, where Liam and Harry were.

"Styles;" Louis called out as he walked to the front door, "we have business to do."

"That's my cue," Harry said as he stood up and followed after Louis. "We will be back in a little bit."

"So, what would you like to do now baby?" Liam asked as Zayn just stood in the threshold to the living room.

"I have an idea, but I don't know if it's a smart idea," Zayn said as he sat down next to Liam on the couch.

"What's your idea?"

"Lure Niall and Michael, not directly to us. but close enough to where they think they'll be able to kill me, without anyone intervening or stopping them."

"Why would you want to do that?" Liam asked.

"Well I have a feeling we are already going to lead them to us, with my side being put out there. So why not just open the communication with them, make them think like I'm this horrible person who maliciously killed Matthew for no reason. Let them attempt to get their revenge. and just go from there. What may or may not happen afterwards, well would just be a happy little accident."

"In cop language this would be called premeditation Zayn. Which could get you in trouble. But, there's ways around it. How about we talk with Louis and Harry, and we see what they say. Then we go from there, sound good?"

"Fine. But I want this over with before the babies are born. I don't want them dragged into this mess and become potential targets."

"I understand sweet boy. We are all trying our hardest to resolve this as quickly as possible."


Haii there!!!

Happy 2023

Hope the new year is going great for all of you.

Can we believe I started this story a year ago today. And we are only 20 chapters in.. hoping to finish this up within the next 6 months. Hopefully, and then start one of the new ones I have sitting in my drafts 👀👀

Hope you guys liked this chapter.

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Love all of you


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