Chapter Twenty-Four

27 3 7

Trigger warning: Death
31 weeks pregnant

Zayn doesn't know how Louis and Harry managed to do it, but when the four of them got to France. for the second time. They managed to not only get Harry's associates, that work at the Embassy, to allow them to have this little meeting on the grounds. But they also believe that Zayn had no choice but to do what he did. So they decided they are going to help them.
There was full trust in both Harry and Liam, that nothing was going to happen to Zayn. but it never hurts to have some backup.

Currently, Liam and Zayn were just standing in the middle of this courtyard. not a single other soul in visible sight. As they waited for Niall and Michael to show up.

"I'm surprised you followed through," they heard a voice before they saw who it belonged to.
Niall and Michael slowly walked up the steps that led to the courtyard. Both of them having guns drawn and aimed at Zayn.

"What happened to not wanting to kill him?"

"I can't take any chances. What happened to not giving a fuck about him?"

"I'm not going to just outright let you kill him. Because then I'd be forced to kill the both of you. And I don't miss," Liam said as he pulled out his own gun. But instead of pointing it at Niall and Michael, he pointed it at Zayn's head.
"Who has the better shot?" Liam asked, as Zayn turned to look at Liam. Ending up with the gun touching his forehead.

"Yeah, take a shot," Zayn spoke the magic words, that made everyone that was hidden pop up. Pointing guns at both Niall and Michael.

Gunfire began erupting from Niall, Michael following suit right behind him. They didn't stand a chance, against the plethora of men and women that were there to protect Zayn. Zayn let out a scream as he felt searing hot pain in his back and side, as he was being pushed onto the ground by Liam. Liam covering Zayn with his own body.
Once the gunfire ended and Liam was given confirmation that both Niall and Michael were dead, that's when he got off of Zayn. And also noticed all of the blood.

"Baby?!" Liam said frantically as he looked to see where the blood was coming from. "He's been shot!" He yelled trying to find the holes.

Louis was the first to reach them, focusing on helping Liam find the wounds. Ultimately finding them, once they rolled him over onto his side.

"Where is a medic!?" Louis yelled.

Liam moved so he was cradling Zayn's head in his lap, talking to him. Desperately hoping for a sign that his boy was alright. Everything started happening at lightning speed. The medics had finally arrived, and started yelling at each other, what they needed to do.
Before Liam knew it Zayn was on a gurney and in the back of an ambulance, before he had time to register it and get off of the ground. Luckily for him, Harry got him up and also into the ambulance so he could be with Zayn. They got a escort from the police to the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital, things slowed down on Liam's end. He was forced to wait in the waiting room, just like everyone else. While they brought Zayn back into the emergency room.

"He's 31 weeks pregnant!" Liam yelled out as the doors were swinging, hoping someone heard and knew to check on the babies as well.

The older man collapsed into a chair, as everyone came running into the room and surrounded him.

"Have you been told anything?" Louis asked as he sat next to Liam.

"No. They brought him into the back and forced me to stay out here," Liam said as he stared into nothing.

"That will change here in a minute," Harry's associate said as he and another gentlemen walked off to find someone in charge.

"I really wished I had shot Niall, but it all happened way to quickly. My first thought was to keep Zayn safe. And I couldn't even do that. We should've just killed him as soon as he got near all of us." Liam was feeling all of the feels, and hated how things turned out.

"Well they're both dead, so now we don't have to worry about anything. but Zayn getting better and healing," Harry stated.

"Thank you captain obvious."

Around half an hour later, the two men returned with a doctor.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Goodwin, one of the few doctors working on keeping Zayn and his two babies alive. I understand you are all worried about mister Malik. As of right now I don't have an update on his condition, I do know that he is currently in surgery. They are performing an emergency c-section. I spoke with the nurses and other doctors, they decided that two of you will be able to come back with me. And be allowed to sit in a room, until Zayn is out of the surgeries," Dr. Goodwin explained.

Without even talking it over with anyone, both Liam and Louis stood up at the exact same time and approached the doctor.

"Alright, follow me gentlemen," the doctor said as he turned on his heel and began walking off.

The three of them walked down halls and through doors, until they made it to a empty hospital room.

"Somebody should be in to update you shortly." With that the doctor walked off.

The two men were surrounded by silence. Liam stood by the window, staring out at the surrounding buildings. While Louis stayed by the door, wishing that everything someone walked by they were going to stop and talk with them. Update them on Zayn or even on the babies.
It was a long painful two hours before anyone step foot into the room they were in.

"Hi, I'm nurse Jenny. I'm one of the two NICU nurses that is currently taking care of the twins. I wanted to give you guys an update on them, and also see if you two wanted to go visit them. while waiting for the doctors to come and speak with you," the nurse introduced herself.

"Yes, of course we would," Liam spoke for himself and Louis.

"Before we head down to the NICU, I just want you to know both babies are currently hooked up to many machines. It may look scary, and honestly it kinda is. Just know that these machines are helping to keep them alive. They both struggled to breathe when they were taken out of their parent. So they're hooked up to oxygen, they have little stickers on their chests to monitor their hearts, and they both have feeding tubes in their noses to give them the nutrients they need. We did attempt bottle feeding shortly after they were born, but since they were struggling to breathe they were struggling to eat. So tube feedings for right now will just be easiest, until they are strong enough to drink from a bottle. I know I just threw a bunch of information at the two of you, so I'll give time for you to process it. If you have any questions at any point, just let me know and I'll try my best to answer them. For now let's go meet the babies," nurse Jenny explained.

Louis and Liam followed behind the nurse as she led them to the NICU. Once they got past the secure doors, they were instructed to wash their hands. Once their hands were clean, they were led to the room both babies were being kept in. The two of them looked so small in the incubators, that were keeping them warm. Until they could regulate their own body temperature.

"Feel free to put your hands in the holes and touch them. You won't break them, trust me," nurse Jenny said as she just stood and observed the two men.

Liam was the first to move, he slowly placed his hand into the incubator. Lightly touching the babies hand. But the baby had other ideas and immediately wrapped their tiny fingers around Liam's finger.

"We are unaware of the names for the babies, but that little one is the boy. He grabs onto anything near his little hands," nurse said. "As for the little girl, she doesn't like anything or anyone near her, and will let you know."

"Mylo," Liam whispered as he caressed the baby boy's hand with his own.

"She got her daddy's attitude," Louis said as he softly touched the top of the baby's head. "Little miss Mila."


Haii there!!!

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