Chapter Fifteen

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"I don't know if you have noticed the same things that I have. But I, think I'm pregnant," Zayn whispered the last statement while staring down at his hands.

"What are your next steps?" Liam asked.

"Probably to get it confirmed."


"Well that'll be determined based off of how far along I potentially am."

"How far along do you think you are?"

"If I am thinking correctly, I'd be somewhere around 8-12 weeks."

"Alright, I'll see who I can get in contact with to either have an OBGYN come here, or have you go somewhere to be seen," Liam said as he brought his phone back out, ready to make more phone calls.

"Thank you." Zayn looked at his hands the entirety of his conversation with Liam. He was ashamed and he didn't know why, it's not like this was his fault. but he felt like it was.

Liam looked over at Zayn, not understanding why he was being thanked for doing what was necessary. When he realized the younger male was on the brink of tears.

"Zayn," Liam called out, getting his attention.


"Come here." Liam knew this was going to be risky, but it was a risk he was willing to take.

Slowly Zayn got up and walked over to where Liam was sitting. He sat down on the detectives lap, facing him, his head still down.

"How are you feeling Zayn?"

"I don't know."

"Look at me sweet boy."
"What's going on in that head of yours?" Liam asked once Zayn was looking at him.

That's all it took for Zayn to break down in Liam's lap. Liam brought him down so Zayn could lay his head on the detectives shoulder.
"Let it all out baby," Liam said as he rubbed Zayn's back.

"I'm so tired," Zayn cried in between sobs.

"I know honey. I know you are."

Zayn knew that he was going to eventually break down, look at the situation he is in. It was bound to happen, he just didn't think it'd be right now.

He gave himself a few minutes to be weak and emotional, before he forced himself to pull it together.

"Just give me a minute," Zayn said as he got off of Liam's lap.
Zayn went in search of the bathroom. When he found it, he took his time in washing and drying off his face. He wanted a couple minutes of alone time to reflect on what just happened. Reflect on how he easily, without thought, sat in Liam's lap. maybe he was a slut, like Matthew always told him. Reflect on how easily he broke down and cried in another man's lap. Matthew was right he was going to always be weak.
But Zayn couldn't help that he felt safe in Liam's presence, even if what Matthew drilled in Zayn's head pops up randomly. Zayn felt safe with Liam.

After giving himself a few minutes, he went back into the living room.

"Do you mind if I uh sit on your lap again while we talk?" Zayn asked as he stood by the chair Liam was still sitting in.

"Go ahead sweet boy."

Zayn slowly sat himself back down, facing Liam. actually looking at him this time around.

"I'm overwhelmed with everything. I feel like I have to make all these important decisions without any time to think about it. And I mean really think about it. I feel like I'm forced to give out a quick answer just because of the situation I'm in. I am annoyed with having to deal with all of this, I want a break. I feel suffocated, constantly having to watch over my shoulder. I'm tired of running, although we have only been on the run for like a month, I'm tired of it. I'm not built for this, I just want to give up. But I know that's just me being weak, and I can actually do this. And I can actually get my side of the story out there. But I also feel like I can't, like no one will listen to me," Zayn paused so he could take a breath and gather his thoughts.

Liam intently listened to him throughout the entire time he spoke. Not breaking eye contact once with the younger male.

"I spoke with Louis, and he agrees with you. So I guess we can get my side of the story out there. But I don't think anyone is going to listen. Just based off of the single fact that I ran. I ran because I'm a coward I know this. Because an innocent person would've stayed. Alright I'm done complaining."

"Why would you think you are weak?" Liam asked.

"Because I am. I don't see a strong minded or strong willed person breaking down like I have been."

"If you were weak, you would've turned yourself in already. Yet you haven't," Liam pointed out. "I don't care how many times I have to repeat this, you are not a weak person Zayn. You are not a coward either. You are a survivor. You are strong. You went through hell for three years and you came out on top of it. You may have to fight a little bit longer to get your side out there, but you and I both know you can do it."

Liam lightly grasped Zayn's chin and turned his head so they made direct eye contact while Liam repeated, "you are strong, you are brave, and you are a survivor."

"Y'know Matthew was right," Zayn whispered.

"About what?"

"Me being a slu-"

"Absolutely not," Liam cut him off.

"I'm sitting on your lap."

"How does that make you a slut? How does getting comfort make you that Zayn?" Liam did not want to repeat the word.

Zayn hung his head, not having an answer. Because he truthfully doesn't know.

"You are allowed to seek comfort baby."

"I'm tired in every sense of the word. But I'm also hungry, do you think we could get some food?" Zayn was just tired of the current conversation, and wanted a way out.

"Of course sweet boy."

Liam ordered the both of them dinner. While he waited for it to arrive, he decided to get in contact with Styles. Much like Zayn did, he left the room to make his phone call. But before he could a text appeared across his screen from Styles.

From Styles: "The Horan Brothers have left America. We do not know where they are. They managed to escape the tail we had on them. I'll let you know when and if we find them."

Fuck, Liam thought. He decided he wasn't going to inform Zayn, he was not going to stress him out further right now.


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