Chapter Three

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Seven Days Before The Incident

Matthew was right when he told Zayn he wasn't going to want to do grocery shopping the following day. Zayn could barely move without being in pain. The only "good" thing about Zayn being in as much pain as he was, Matthew left him alone. Since Zayn was now able to move a little bit easier, he decided he'd get out of the house for a bit and go see Louis. Matthew wasn't home so he wouldn't know. Plus he could do some shopping.

Zayn got himself ready, covering up the visible bruises, before calling Louis. Once Louis confirmed he'd be able to pick Zayn up, Zayn grabbed one of the credit cards Matthew left laying around and went outside to wait. Around ten minutes later Louis drove up, not alone. Louis hopped out of the drivers seat, meeting Zayn when he was halfway to the vehicle.

"I really hope you don't mind. We were already out when you called. So I figured now would be a great time for you to meet him. Niall is also in the car," Louis explained.

"You could've told me. I could've easily walked to where I need to go babes." Zayn didn't want to intrude if his best friend was on a date.

"No no, it's fine. Plus I wouldn't miss out on hanging out with you, without Matthew breathing down our necks."

The two of them walked to the vehicle, Zayn getting in the back seat next to Niall while Louis went back to the drivers seat.

"Harry, this is my best friend Zayn. Zayn this is Harry," Louis introduced the two.

Zayn gave a small smile and nodded at Harry, he was shy around strangers. Harry smiled back at him before turning to face the front again.

"Where we headed Zayn?" Louis asked as he began driving.

Zayn didn't want to outright say where he needed to go, especially with Niall and Harry being in the car. So he sent Louis a text. Louis glanced down at his phone before looking at Zayn through the rear view mirror. Louis had a look of concern on his face, but decided nonetheless to drive to where Zayn wanted to go.

Soon enough Louis was pulling into the parking lot of a Cabela's, the four of them getting out of the car.

"Why are we here?" Niall asked, confusion written all over his and Harry's faces.

Louis and Zayn walked ahead of Niall and Harry, ignoring Niall's question. Harry caught up with the two younger men, grabbing Louis' hand in his. Niall ended up walking away from them, since he was being ignored.

"What are we doing here baby?" Harry asked Louis.

"I honestly don't know. Zayn said he needed to come here."

Zayn went to the back of the store where the guns were being sold, intending on purchasing one. As a just in case, he realized that with Matthews actions the other day he was no longer safe. He wanted protection, legal form of protection. He hopes having it will be enough to scare Matthew, but he doesn't know.
He heard Louis and Harry having a conversation while following him, hearing his own name being said a few times. But he just ignored them. Once he got to the back, he spoke with an associate about what he was looking for. Once he picked out the weapon he was looking for, he purchased it and extra ammunition.

"Why are you buying a gun Zayn?" Louis asked while he and Zayn stood in line for Zayn to buy it.

"I plan on leaving Matthew," Zayn said softly.

"And you need a gun for that? Why?"

"Well I'm hoping I don't need it. It's just precaution."

Louis looked over at his best friend and then looked back at his special friend, who heard all of it. Harry just raised an eyebrow at him, just as confused as Louis.

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