Chapter Twenty-Five

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While Liam and Louis were with the babies, four doctors walked in to the room. This included Dr. Goodwin, a pediatrician, and two other doctors.

"Im assuming one of you is Louis correct?" Dr. Goodwin asked.

"That's me yes," Louis responded.

"Would you mind stepping out with us so we can give you an update on Zayn," Dr. Goodwin said as he motioned towards one of the closed rooms that the NICU has.

"Why can't Liam also hear this?"

"According to Zayn's records you are the only person he has listed that we can share medical information with. So legally we have to do this privately."

"Whatever you tell me, I am going to repeat word for word to Liam. So instead of making our lives more difficult, can you please just tell us both here. I can promise you that Zayn wouldn't mind," Louis explained.

"Who is Liam to Zayn?" One of the unidentified doctors asked.

"I'm his boyfriend," Liam said as he softly touched Mylo's little foot.

The four medical professionals looked at each other, three of them shrugging leaving the decision up to Dr. Goodwin.

"As much as this is against protocol but to make it easier, since I can understand that this is a difficult time right now for everyone involved. We will give you both an update. With me I have the babies pediatrician for while they are in the NICU, Dr. Edwards. Neurosurgeon Dr. Hadid. And Dr. Sharpe, who is one of the on call doctors with me. We will be switching back and forth care of Zayn. Who would like to speak first?" Dr. Goodwin explained as he closed the curtain, to give them a small bit of privacy from other patients.

"I will;" Dr. Hadid spoke, "Zayn was shot three times, once on his left side, another in the middle of his back, and a graze wound on his left arm. The concerning one is his back. We performed surgery to remove the bullet that hit his left side. But the bullet that hit his spine is still inside of him. Until I am able to do a ct scan to see where exactly the bullet is located, I can't perform a surgery on his spine to potentially remove the bullet. it's to risky right now. We are going to wait till he has healed a bit from the two surgeries he has already had. Give his body some time to rest and heal, then I will move forward with figuring out how to remove the other bullet. Do you have any questions?" She explained.

"Assuming you ordered an X-ray, do you have a general idea as to where the bullet is? I mean with you deciding not to do surgery right away, leads me to believe there are some paralytic risks involved here. Especially with him trying to heal from two previous risky surgeries."

"Yes we do have a general idea as to where the bullet is. But I can't speak on specific risks until he gets a ct scan."

"Please do not talk to me like I'm some idiot. I'm well aware of the potential risks when someone gets shot in the spine or anywhere else on their body. Downplaying it might work with someone who doesn't live their life where getting shot at is a possibility, but it is certainly not going to work with me." Liam was getting irritated with this doctor.

"What is your occupation Liam?" Dr. Goodwin asked, not letting Dr. Hadid speak.

"I'm a detective for a homicide unit in America. Why does that matter?"

"Why are you guys in France?"

"The two men that you were walking with did they explain anything to you?"

"No, just said that everyone that was in the waiting room and Zayn were protected individuals. And not to let anyone know you are here."

"So that means I'm not able to give you any information. Why are you fishing for information anyways? I just want an update on my boyfriend and the twins. Where we are from, why we are here, and what occurred are none of your business if the Embassy didn't tell you anything."

"Fair enough. Dr. Edwards would you like to speak?"

"The nurse explained majority of everything before we were allowed to see the twins," Louis said as he stared at all of the machines that were connected to the babies.

"My job is to tell you what the day to day plans are concerning these two peanuts. What goals they have. What tests I may or may not order. What we expect long term and short term," Dr. Edwards explained.

"Do you have any goals for them? Or a plan for the next couple of days?" Louis asked.

"Right now we are taking it slow. Letting their bodies catch up to where they should be at when out of the womb. Most importantly right now is making sure there lungs are working properly. In the last month of pregnancy the lungs are the last to fully develop. But because the babies were born premature, their lungs aren't where we'd like to see them at. In a normal circumstance, we would have given the parent steroid shots to help with developing the lungs. But due to the circumstances we are faced with, we have to help them breathe a little bit. I'm hoping with in the next few weeks, they will both be breathing on their own. Then we will be able to focus on feeding. And hopefully there won't be any issues there. It's all up to the babies how fast they progress. Right now it is their world and we are just living in it."

"Setbacks are expected yes?" Louis asked.

"Most of the time yes. But if anything were to happen and you guys aren't present. One of the nurses will call you and inform you. Make sure you do leave your number with someone at the front so we have a way to contact you."

"Can I go see Zayn?" Liam asked. Zayn was one of two main things on his mind right now. He just wanted to go see his baby.

"Of course, just follow me," Dr. Goodwin said as he opened the curtain up a little bit.

Dr. Goodwin, Dr. Sharpe, and Dr. Hadid all left the room along with Liam. Liam was a nervous wreck, he didn't know how he was going to react once he saw his baby.

"Wait," Liam said as he stopped walking. "Is he awake or not? No one said anything about that."

"He's not in a coma if that's what you're wondering. He may still be out due to the anesthesia though," Dr. Goodwin responded.

Liam shakily exhaled as he began walking again. He was relieved Zayn wasn't in a coma, he had assumed that he was due to the trauma his body was put through.

It didn't take long for the four of them to reach Zayn's hospital room. The doctors staying out in the hallway while Liam walked in. Zayn sleeping peacefully on the bed. The only noise being the machines that he was hooked up to, to monitor him.

"Hey, sweet boy."


Haii there!!!

I'm not going to draw out the hospital stay for Zayn. For the babies on the other hand. I have first hand knowledge on how NICU's work, 2 of my 3 babies were nicu babies, so that will be a focus for a bit. It's not going to be ope one day there in the nicu and then the next day there home. It'll be the focus.

I hope you guys liked this chapter.

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Love all of you


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