Chapter Fourteen

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Zayn fell asleep on the plane ride to The Maldives, Liam taking it upon himself to carry the younger man off of the plane and to an awaiting car. Perks of being a detective he had friends literally everywhere, and they were all willing to help. Zayn stayed asleep until they arrived to the building they were going to be staying in. Hopefully it'll be longer than a month, Liam thought as he got out of the vehicle. He walked around to the other side and opened the door for Zayn, helping him out of the car.

"Now what are we going to do?" Zayn tiredly asked as he slowly walked behind Liam.

"I'm not sure yet. You go ahead and go back to sleep, I'll figure it out."  Liam wasn't bitter or anything, just slightly frustrated. He can't force Zayn to tell his side of the story, but he does wish that the younger male just would.

"You sure you don't want my help?"

"I'll be fine Zayn. If I need your help at all, I'll come get you," Liam said as he walked up the steps and into the house they'd be staying at. 

"Actually Liam, could I use your phone to call Louis?"

"Sure, but don't be surprised if he doesn't answer. It is quite late over there," Liam said as he handed his phone over.

Zayn walked into the kitchen as he dialed the number he knew by heart. He leaned against the counter as he placed the phone against his ear, listening to the ringing.

Louis: "Yo, Payno, what's up?"

"Wrong person bitch," Zayn giggled.

Louis: "Ahhhhh, my favorite person! It's about damn time you've contacted me, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright, given the circumstances. But I think I have an issue," Zayn said quietly while looking around. making sure nobody was listening in on his conversation.

Louis: "What's going on? Liam isn't being mean to you is he?"

"No, no, no. Liam is not my problem, he has been nothing but an angel to me, although I don't really deserve it."

Louis: "Aht, I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear you say anything but good things about yourself. Anyways so if Liam isn't your problem, then what is? I heard you guys moved to a different country."

"We did, the citizens of France knew where we lived. So I made the decision to leave the country, and now I don't know where we are. Liam wants me to tell my side of the story, but I don't know if I'm comfortable doing that. Plus, I've been noticing some weird things lately," Zayn explained.

Louis: "I agree with Payne, you should tell your side. But only when you are ready to. Don't feel pressured into doing it. Other than that, what other weird things are you talking about? Thats if you want to tell me, I feel like you're just skirting around it. Which obviously is your choice."

"I just, I don't know how to say it."

Louis: "Take your time, I'm not going anywhere unless you hang up on me."

Zayn smiled at that, knowing his best friend would always be there for him. Even if he wasn't there physically, he'd still be there for him. Zayn went quiet as he thought about how he wanted to say it. He figured it'd probably be best to just rip the bandaid off and go for it, but he was absolutely terrified. If it was true.

"I, I think I'm pregnant," Zayn whispered into the phone.

There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone before Louis spoke, "I'd assume not from Liam, correct?"

"I haven't done anything with Liam. Nor do I ever see myself doing anything with him. He's just helping me out," Zayn said.

Louis: "So that means.." Louis trailed off, not wanting to say Zayn's ex's name.

"Uh-huh. If I recall, this is a product of one of Matthews drunken nights," Zayn quietly said. Not wanting to revisit the night.

Louis: "Did you tell Liam?"

"No, unless he's listening in. He doesn't know."

Louis: "You should probably think about telling him Zayn. This could help work in your favor, when telling your side of the story."

"I should probably go, I need to give Liam his phone back. I'll try and call again sometime later," Zayn said right before hanging up. Deciding to actually listen to Louis.

Zayn walked into the living room, where Liam was sitting on a chair.

"Thank you for letting me use your phone," Zayn said as he handed it back to Liam.

"Of course, not a  problem. Let me know if you ever want to use it again," Liam responded as he pocketed it.

"Did you hear anything?" Zayn knew he wasn't speaking loudly when he was on the phone, but he also just wanted to make sure Liam wasn't eavesdropping.

"No sweet boy I didn't. I'm not going to intrude on your private conversations."

"Thank you for that. I appreciate it. Do you think we could talk though?" Zayn was beyond nervous.

"Of course. What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know if you have noticed the same things that I have. But I, think I'm pregnant," Zayn whispered the last statement while staring down at his hands.


Haii there!!!

The pregnancy has been a part of the plan since the beginning, when I first thought of this story. Next chapter you will get to see how Liam reacts to Zayn telling him this and other things.

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