Chapter Six

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When the officers arrived on scene to the shots fired called, they came upon what appeared to be a deceased individual. After confirming the individual was in fact dead, they secured the scene and called for detectives to arrive.

Detective Payne and Styles

When the two men arrived on the scene, they both observed the male to have a singular gunshot wound to his chest, and defensive wounds to his hands. A knife laid next to him, as if he was protecting himself.

"Well I knew this was coming." Styles made the offhand comment once he saw who the victim was.

"What do you mean?" Payne asked as he got closer to the body, visually examining him. he nor styles were able to touch the body, didn't want to ruin any possible evidence or dna.

"This is Matthew," Styles said as he looked through the wallet that was on the table by the door. "And by the looks of this picture in his wallet and the one that is on the wall, Mr. Matthew may have a boyfriend." The detective was purposefully ignoring his partners question, until they were alone.

The two detectives walked around the house, looking for any kind of evidence that could pinpoint to an altercation. Styles noticed drops of blood that trailed from by the wall to the kitchen table, then to the front door. Payne came across two bedrooms, one that looked like a tornado went through it. The other looked like it hadn't been touched since that morning. The first bedroom had clothes thrown around and miscellaneous papers littered the bed and floor.

Styles walked in behind Payne and took note of the mess they saw. He saw his partner staring at a picture frame that was on the far corner of the nightstand.

"If this is the boyfriend, he looks a little young," Payne stated while he held the frame in his glove covered hand.

The picture was of Zayn and Matthew. Matthew standing behind Zayn, his arms around him, while Zayn was staring up at him.

"I think once we talk with whoever this person is, maybe we'll get a clearer answer as to what happened." The picture was put back down and the two detectives left the room. They decided to leave the crime scene and let the M.E. do their job.

The detectives went back to the vehicle Payne drove them to the scene in and made their way back to the office.

"The other male that was in the pictures is Zayn Malik. He is or was Matthew's boyfriend," Styles said during the drive.

"How do you know this?"

"I've been seeing his friend for a bit. And about five days ago I met the two of them." Styles wasn't going to give out everything that happened that day.

"Well you realize boss isn't going to let you be apart of this case right?"

"He isn't going to find out I know them. This is the type of lead we need. If we find Zayn, we find out what happened. And we aren't going to find Zayn without me."

Payne just looked over at his partner, realizing he was correct. If they didn't have this information at their fingertips, they'd be sitting on the case for awhile.

"Alright, keeping secrets from the boss got it."



He has no idea how long he has been walking for but he did know that his feet were starting to hurt and he was getting tired. It was just starting to get dark out, that kinda told him he hasn't been walking long. Zayn was lucky in the sense he didn't need to use his phone for maps, he knew exactly where he was headed. Once he was able to calm down on the fast walking, he found an alley where he was able to stop and assess his situation.
He saw all the strange looks he got from passerby's due to how he looked, but there was nothing he could do about it until he got to his destination. Him running on adrenaline made him forget about the cut on his arm from Matthew trying to stab him. When he looked down at his arm, it was covered in blood. The cut itself had stopped bleeding. He decided to grab one of his hoodies out of his backpack and put it on, throwing the hood up. Once he done that, he  brought his phone out and turned it on, then started walking again.
Once his phone was powered on, he took the audio that he had recorded it along with some of the pictures and texted them to Louis. Just incase he had to get rid of his phone, there was still evidence of what he went through. Zayn turned his phone back off and placed it in the pocket of the backpack, feeling a little card as he did so. He brought the card out of the pocket and examined it.

Harry Styles, Detective
Contact Info: (xxx)-xxx-xxxx

There was also an email provided. but what shocked Zayn is the fact that the man his best friend was involved with is a detective. And he witnessed an altercation between Zayn and Matthew. Is all Zayn could think about as he continued his trek down the street. Now Zayn wonders if sending the evidence to Louis was a bad idea. He knows that once they find Matthew and they speak with his friends, he is going to become suspect number one.

Maybe I should just kill myself, Zayn thought as he went to sit at the base of a tree.


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