Chapter Nineteen

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*Time Skip, week 16 of pregnancy*

"No! Stop! I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" Zayn was trying to get away from Matthew, but the apartment was only so big. He didn't have much room to be able to escape from Matthew's moods.
Zayn felt as Matthew grabbed him by his bun, yanking him backwards.

"How many times have I told you not to run from me. You will never be able to run away from me," Matthew screamed in Zayn's face.

"I'm sorry, please don't hurt us," Zayn begged as he wrapped his arms around himself.

Matthew grabbed Zayn by the throat, pushing him against a wall. "Look at you begging, as if I gave a fuck about your worthless life."

"Please, I'll do anything." Zayn kept his arms around his middle section, not wanting Matthew to hurt him there.

Matthew had Zayn pinned to the wall by his neck, as he just glared at him.
"Why are you protecting your stomach? Did the whore finally get pregnant?"

Zayn looked confused as he stared at his dangling feet, not wanting to look Matthew in the eyes.

Matthew dropped Zayn to the floor, watching as he curled himself into a ball. Zayn beginning to scream as Matthew repeatedly kicked him in the stomach.

"Ahhhhh!" Zayn woke himself up from the terror and threw the blankets off of himself. Noticing his baby bump still existed.

Liam came running into Zayn's room, a gun in hand as he flipped the lights on.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Liam asked as he surveyed the entire room, not noticing anything out of place.

"Bad dream," Zayn mumbled as he stared at his stomach. Starting to calm down a little bit, now knowing it was only a dream.

"Are you okay?" Liam repeated as he placed the gun down.

"I'm fine," Zayn mumbled as he got up and walked to his bathroom.

Liam watched from the doorway as Zayn turned to the side to stare at his bump.

"I read that it's possible to show early with a twin pregnancy, but I didn't think I'd look like this already," Zayn said as he stared at himself through the mirror. "And I still have twenty-four weeks to go. I'm going to be huge!" and with that statement, Zayn broke down in tears.

Quickly Liam was in the bathroom, wrapping Zayn in a hug. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Zayn wasn't upset just because he was going to get bigger.

"Do you want to talk about what happened in your dream, sweet boy?" Liam asked.

Zayn nodded against Liam's chest, before detaching himself from the older man.

"We can talk in the kitchen, I just really want some hot chocolate also," Zayn said before grabbing a towel to wipe his face off with.


The two men silently walked downstairs to the kitchen, where Zayn began making hot chocolate.

"Would you like a cup?" Zayn asked.


"I've been having very realistic dreams the past couple of weeks. Every single one of them involving Matthew," Zayn explained as he slid a steaming cup of hot chocolate over to Liam. "But tonight's was probably the worse one," Zayn said as he sat down across from Liam with his own cup. "I don't want to go into to many details, but it ended with him finding out I'm pregnant and proceeding to kick me in the stomach repeatedly. I woke myself up from screaming."

"Prior to your pregnancy, did you have dreams like this?" Liam questioned.

"No. Apparently it is common though to have realistic dreams when you're pregnant." Zayn took a sip of his hot chocolate before talking again. "I'm sorry for waking you."

"Don't be. I'd rather you wake me up, preferably not by screaming;" Liam chuckled, "instead of bottling it up."


The two of them finished their drinks in a comfortable silence. Liam washing the glasses once they were done.

"So I have a question for you, sweet boy," Liam said as he stood at the sink, rinsing the soap off of the cups.


"Would you like to sleep in the same bed as me? That way if you have another bad dream I can be right there?" Liam asked.

Zayn thought about it for a minute as he turned to look at the older man. "Sure."

"Great. Are you ready to go back to bed, or would you like to talk some more?" Liam was tired but if Zayn wanted to talk, then he was going to listen.

"I think I'm okay, we can go back to bed."

The two men quietly ascended the stairs to Liam's room. Liam leading the way, Zayn hasn't been in his room before.

"I hope you don't mind, I usually sleep shirtless," Liam said as the two of them stood in his bedroom.

"Wait, then why are you wearing a shirt?"

"Well I am not to keen on potentially fighting someone, half naked. So I threw a shirt on when I grabbed my gun."

"You look good half naked," Zayn whispered to himself.

Liam smirked, because obviously he heard it, before excusing himself from his bedroom. He went to Zayn's room, to grab the gun that he left on the dresser, before returning back to his room.

"Obviously it's up to you which side of the bed you sleep on. But I'll sleep better, if you sleep on the side closer to the wall instead of by the door," Liam said as he put his gun in the nightstand drawer.

"Okay." Zayn had no reason to argue.

The two of them climbed into the bed, Zayn staying as far away from Liam as he possibly could. Liam didn't say anything as he laid down, he knew this was probably a bit out of Zayn's comfort zone. And he didn't want to push him to much.


Haii there!!!

I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this.
I'm hoping once I figure out where it's headed, I'll be able to update more in 2023.

Anyways, hope you guys liked it.

What did you like?

What did you dislike?

What do you wanna see happen?

Goal 5 votes and 5 comments.

Thank you

Love all of you

Happy holidays ⛄️


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