Chapter Five

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Day Of The Incident

Zayn's day started off like usual. Woke up to Matthews multiple alarms. Made sure that Matthew woke up on time, even though it was hell. Every time Zayn tried nudging him awake, Zayn got slapped. Eventually Zayn just gave up, if Matthew didn't want to wake up then he could be late. Zayn got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to make himself and Matthew a cup of coffee. As the pot of coffee started brewing, Zayn went to go do his morning routine.

The hickies that littered his neck from the assault the other day were starting to fade a little. And he was finally able to walk without being in to much pain. It still hurt but was bearable. When Zayn was done he went back into the kitchen, he grabbed out two coffee mugs. He got Matthew's coffee ready first before pouring his own cup.  Zayn grabbed Matthew's cup and walked into the bedroom, again attempting to wake him up.

When Zayn walked into the bedroom he was met by Matthew sitting up in bed, glaring at him.

"Took you long enough." Matthew rolled his eyes as he grabbed the mug from Zayn's hands.

Zayn watched as his boyfriend took a drink before spitting it back into the mug.

"It's fucking cold, dumb bitch." Matthew threw the lukewarm liquid at Zayn's face as he got out of bed.
"I don't know why I just haven't killed you yet, you're fucking pathetic and useless," Matthew grumbled as he walked into the bathroom. "It's not like anyone would miss you, no one even likes you." Matthew continued talking shit and threatening Zayn up until he left the apartment.

As soon as Matthew left, Zayn began gathering up all important documents he needed and put them in a pile. He wasn't sure how long it was going to take him to get back on his feet, he only packed himself a few outfits. Maybe once everything dies down between Matthew and himself, he'll be able to come back and get the rest of his items. He doesn't want to have to much with him, he doesn't even know where he's going to be staying. Personal items, documents, and a few outfits are all he really would need for now.
Zayn placed the documents into a ziploc bag before placing them into the backpack. Personal items and clothing following. Zayn placed the box that held the gun on top of everything, hoping he wouldn't have to use it. Zayn placed the bag on top of the kitchen table before he started tidying the place up.
When the apartment was clean to his liking, he sat down on the couch and just basked in the silence. Knowing that soon he will no longer be in hell.

A couple hours later Matthew returned home and immediately noticed Zayn sitting on his couch.

"What did you do, just sit around all day like a lazy bitch?"

"I really hope that one day you can stop being so hateful," Zayn calmly said as he went into his camera and turned on video. He wanted to have audio evidence for if anything went wrong. He placed his phone on his lap, face down.

"What are you on about now!?"

"Why are you like this Matthew? Who hurt you so bad, you think hurting others is the answer?" Zayn questioned.

"I work all day every single fucking day. And I'm then forced to come home to a lazy ungrateful bitch. And you expect me to be happy about that. You are the problem. You have always been the problem!" Matthew yelled.

"I'm leaving you Matt. I will no longer be the problem you accuse me of. Maybe one day you can heal the pain and hurt in your heart, and be a better person for somebody else." Zayn calmly stood up, placing his phone in his back pocket.

"Oh you really think you're going to leave me huh? You going to go be with that dude you were in the car with? We all know your just a fucking slut, willing to allow anyone to fuck you." Matthew grabbed Zayn throwing him against the wall.

Zayn grunted as he felt the wind get knocked out of him, he fell to the floor in a heap. Matthew kicked him in the stomach before picking him up and punching Zayn in the face. Letting Zayn fall to the floor again.

"I will kill you before you ever have the chance to leave me," Matthew threatened as he walked off to the kitchen.

Zayn laid there for a second before he forced himself to get up. He was blindsided by a punch to the mouth as he walked into the kitchen.

"Get ready for your last day here on earth," Matthew said as he went to stab Zayn.

Zayn moved, causing Matthew to slice Zayn in the arm. Zayn ran over to his bag, quickly unzipping it and grabbing out his gun. Zayn chambered a bullet as he turned towards Matthew.

"Get away from me and just let me leave," Zayn said as he had the gun pointed at Matthew.

"What are you going to do? Shoot me? You don't have the balls for that," Matthew said as he lunged at Zayn.

"I really didn't want to do this," Zayn said as he pulled the trigger, tears streaming down his bruised and bloodied face. The bullet flying into the chest of his abuser.

Zayn let his hand fall as his boyfriend fell back, staring at him with wide eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Zayn repeated, not knowing what to do. "I didn't mean to."
Zayn ran around the apartment looking for something to use to apply pressure to the gunshot wound. Zayn ran back to his boyfriend with a towel in hand.

"I hope you're fucking happy. Now you can go be the whore you always were." Matthew whispered as he grabbed Zayn's wrists preventing him from applying pressure to the wound.

Zayn watched as the soul slowly left his boyfriends body. screaming loudly as the grip on his wrists loosened. This wasn't supposed to happen. He just grabbed the gun to scare him, it wasn't supposed to go off.

Zayn stood up grabbed his packed bag and the gun before running out of the apartment.
He could hear sirens off in the distance and knew he needed to get out of there, quickly. Where were his neighbors all those years he was being abused, why did they wait till the inevitable happened to call for help.
Zayn walked out of the building, unnoticed, damn near running until he got to the nearest atm. Where he withdrew as much money as he could before beginning his walk to his hometown. Now is one of the times Zayn wished he had his license. Zayn grabbed his phone out of his pocket and stopped the recording before shutting his phone off and placing it in the backpack.


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