Chapter Twenty-Two

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26 weeks pregnant

"So we may have a problem," Harry said to Liam as they sat across from each other in the kitchen.

"What's that?"

"Niall and Michael have been spotted."


"I haven't been told where. All I've been told is that one of the detectives spotted them."

"Okay? So what am I supposed to do with this information? If we don't know where they were spotted, how am I supposed to continue to keep Zayn safe?" Liam was getting frustrated.

"I think it's time you take him up on the idea that he has."

"Bu- n-," Liam kept cutting himself off as he spoke, trying to find the right words to say.

"It's a smart idea. And if we play our cards right, this could help him beat the murder charge against him," Harry explained.

"And if we don't, both him and the twins could end up dead!"

"Get your emotions out of it Payne. You hardly know him, you shouldn't be this emotionally invested already."

"Oh really? And what if it was Louis in this situation?"

"I've known Louis longer than I've known Zayn."

"A few weeks is hardly any time to know someone more than the other," Liam rolled his eyes.

"You're not wrong, but you're also not right. And I'm just gonna leave it at that. You need to think about the idea he told you, talk with him about it some more. and then seriously decide if it's something you'd like to go forth with," Harry said as he heard the front door open and close.

"Well that's an easy answer, and it doesn't involve me talking with him," Liam responded as they heard Zayn and Louis talking down the hall.

"It's not an acceptable answer though. It's not your freedom that is at stake here. What happened to detective hardass? The person that assumed everyone was guilty regardless of what the evidence said. When you had your eyes on a potential suspect, that was the end of it. You would refuse to acknowledge anyone else until they were cleared, by you nonetheless. What happened to that person?" Harry wasn't yelling, but his voice got loud.
"Actually, I don't want an answer," Harry said as Liam opened his mouth.
"Zayn, can you come in here please?" Harry called out towards the living room.

All three men heard Zayn as he groaned while getting up again.

"What," Zayn said as he came in view, Louis following behind him.

"Well first, how was your appointment?" Harry asked as he opened his arms for Louis.

"The drink was disgusting, I'm hungry, and Louis cried seeing the babies on the ultrasound. Other than that it was fine," Zayn responded as he sat next to Liam. 

Louis hid himself in Harry's neck as Harry looked at him with a small smile.

"Liam will go get you something to eat while the three of us talk," Harry stated.

Zayn looked over at Liam, who just sighed before getting up.
"Anything you want in particular baby?" Liam asked as he walked towards the pantry.

"Uh something sweet, please."

"So Zayn;" Harry said to get Zayn's attention off of Liam, "Liam had mentioned an idea of yours. I was wondering if you'd like to elaborate on it," Harry continued once Zayn was looking at him.

"The one where I suggested we lure the Horan's to us?" Zayn asked.

"That would be it sweet boy," Liam called out from in the pantry.

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