Chapter Eleven

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During the plane ride to France Zayn and Liam asked questions back and forth, getting to kinda know one another. Zayn would only give out vague answers, not yet trusting the older male. Whereas Liam was like an open book, wouldn't stop talking once he started. Which didn't really bother Zayn much, it gave him more of a reason to be quiet. Which he definitely preferred.
Zayn wasn't comfortable talking about himself in general. Add in his current situation, he is still more confused than anything. He wants to ask more questions, but he doesn't want to annoy the man that is helping him.
When they had finally arrived to France, the two of them were able to stay with Liam's friend. For the time being at least. Zayn kinda just let himself be led along to wherever they were going. He didn't object because he didn't want to get hurt.

"Have you been to France before?" Liam asked quietly as he and Zayn walked next to one another.

"No, have you?"

"A couple times. I figured once we are somewhat settled, you and I can talk about what's going on and what we need to do to make sure we, more specifically you, stay safe and hidden. Okay?" Liam suggested.


Liam knows that this isn't going to be easy. He's putting his career and life, essentially, on the line for someone he barely knows. He honestly doesn't understand why he is doing this. One minute he was damn sure that Zayn killed Matthew for no reason at all. Now the next minute he jumps at the first opportunity to help Zayn flee the states. For some reason he feels as if he is meant to be Zayn's knight in shining armor, and help him out in whatever way he can.
Besides all of that, he has to be able to gain Zayn's trust. That's going to be the hardest part out of all of this.
Liam is surprised that Zayn has been kinda agreeing to everything so far, not putting up much of a fight. But he also knows it's because he probably has it ingrained in him if he does fight back, he'd probably get hurt.
Of course Liam wouldn't hurt Zayn, but Zayn doesn't know that yet.


"So, you're probably wondering why we are on the other side of the world. And why I volunteered to help you get here,"Liam said as he sat down on the loveseat and Zayn sat down on the couch, there was a table between them.

"I am, yes."

"When Styles and I went to the DA's office to talk about having charges brought against the Horan brothers, we were told it wasn't possible. because there was no proof you were assaulted by Michael. and there was no concrete proof Niall knew about it. Essentially just your word against theirs. Well when the Horan's somehow found out we were trying to get charges brought against them, they threatened to have you killed and also somehow managed to get the DA to charge you with Matthew's murder. It's obvious somebody's pockets got lined, because your case was a obvious self defense case. Based off of the pictures of your injuries and the audio of Matthew attacking you on the day of the incident," Liam explained.

"That doesn't make any sense. Why would Niall and Michael want me dead? I didn't do anything to them. How would they be able to convince the attorneys office to bring murder charges against me, when there is evidence that Matthew attacked me?" Zayn had plenty of questions, but there were not enough answers.

"The system is corrupt Zayn. When you are white, rich, and a man, you can make anything happen."

"How do you know nobody will find me or recognize me here in France? How can you be certain the Horan's won't try looking for me?"

"Unfortunately I can't be certain. but the Horan's do have eyes on them, so I will be informed if they end up leaving America.."

"Who is keeping an eye on them and why?"

"Styles, maybe Tomlinson, I'm not entirely to sure I think he is being protected from them as well, and a couple of cop buddies that I know," Liam explained.

"Why is Louis being protected? Why are all of you risking your careers for me? I am a nobody to all of you."

"Maybe protected was the wrong word. Harry is keeping information away from Louis. He doesn't want him as involved in everything."

"Why are you risking your careers for me?" Zayn asked.

"Because you don't deserve anything that is coming your way. You didn't deserve to be abused. You didn't deserve anything that happened to you that forced you into the position you are in now."

"But I killed a man."

"You killed your abuser Zayn. You killed the person that was preventing you from leaving. It's not like you went into a rage and killed him for absolutely no reason. You had a reason."

"But I killed a man," Zayn repeated softly.

Liam stood up from the loveseat, and walked over to the table that was infront of Zayn and sat down. Before Liam was able to get a word out, Zayn stood up very quickly.

"I feel like I'm going to be sick," Zayn muttered as he ran off towards the bathroom.

While Zayn was sitting on the couch taking in everything the detective was telling him, he began to feel hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable. Him thinking about and vocalizing the fact that he did kill his boyfriend, made him nauseous. Zayn hearing about the Horan's wanting to kill him, didn't help either. It all became to much for him to listen to, that as soon as he got into the bathroom and knelt  over the toilet bowl he vomited.
Once he was done, he moved away from the toilet and slid down so his back was against the cabinet. He rested his head on his knees, until the nausea subsided a bit. Once he was sure he wasn't going to throw up again, he flushed the toilet before standing up. He rinsed his mouth out with water, before going back out into the living room where Liam was.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked as soon as Zayn entered the living room.

"I'm fine, thank you," Zayn responded quietly.


Haii there!!!

I hope you guys liked this chapter. I apologize for it being a little short, I'm having issues with inspiration so we may be stuck with short chapters for a bit. I'm not sure yet.

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Love all of you


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